On page 25 of Doorstep, there is a passage that is from Teresa's own writing, " The Godhead is like a very clear diamond, much larger than the whole world....All we do is seen in this diamond, every facet in the depth of our souls."

Even as I write this quote tonight, it gives me chills. The concept of being SEEN in every facet of ourselves, by the Divine, is an awe-inspiring concept. I would love to hear your responses to this quote. If the Divine sees us, can we not see Her? How can this two way mirror of reflective identity open us to the great Love available to us, at any given moment?

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  • Dear Linda, what a wealth of scholarship and personal passion! You have given us so much to reflect on and to think about. I feel a resonance, an exploration of all the facets of the Godhead/diamond, in your words. Your perception about Jungians being at odds with the concept of innocence is one I had not thought of. My own beloved Jungian analyst, who has just died at the age of 88, was himself an embodiment of the puer (the eternal boy),though he also had a big dose of the wise old man. He often spoke of the archetype of the divine child - the very essence of innocence. So, at least some Jungians find innocence a vital and essential -- and adored aspect of human life.  What I love about seeing so many of these aspects through Teresa's eyes is that she had such a unique and original way of conceiving the journey of the soul -- the facets of the diamond, the rapture of the castle of many mansions, each room leading the soul closer to the inner chamber and unity with God. She was a poet, and in my view, poets come closer than anyone to capturing the luminous beauty of our experience. The Bible is filled with poetry -- Psalms, the metaphors and parables laced throughout, leading the discerning reader closer and closer to the center of being. Thank you, again, Linda!

  • I was struck with this passage about “diamond” when reading the book and now again with your questions. I just went online and read a section in The Interior Castle about “diamond.”

    “The fact that the soul is made in God’s image means that it is impossible for us to understand her sublime dignity and loveliness,” and “But we rarely consider the soul’s excellent qualities or who it is that dwells within her or how precious she really is. And so we don’t bother to tend her beauty.”

    Earlier I was looking for something in itunes and came across this song. Here is a link:


    • All of these songs in my...our hearts...just keep coming round and your comment, Lynn, "And so we don't bother to tend to her beauty" and I was taken back, reminded of diamonds and rust:


      Peace + Love Linda

    • Dear Linda, thank you for the bounty of your postings, and the depth of your own soul and heart. I love it that you and Lyn are sharing music! Surely the music of the spheres is the most elegant voice of the soul -- and brings us to Her, again and again.

      With warmth and gratitude,


    • Good evening Elizabeth - this is probably more than anyone wants to read, however, I needed to spend more time with all of this, as I shared above...

      OCT 24, 2014 MORE on WORDS: GODHEAD + DIAMOND:

      Not sure what has influenced me more:  NDE’s, being raised in 20thc, postWW2, village setting, traditional orthodoxy with pious ancestral doctrine feuds [Roman Catholics versus Greek Orthodox], or providing front-line service in trauma nursing/counselling for half-a-century?  However, and up until I joined DPA [2013], I have not even heard, thought about nor considered an inquiry into the words “Godhead” nor “diamond” before in regards to any of my callings, maturing of my faith or finding descriptors regarding the Spirit of God. 

      My understanding regarding the core essence of my being forged by ice, fire and near-death and walking with others tormented from all I can say were roads of degradation, horrid suffering... remains innocence, enduring faith, charity and absolute trust in the  love of Almighty God.  I will again risk revealing myself by sharing some key aspects of my foundation, formation and ground:  

      - I have always felt love bound + belonging; secure attachments with mother, father, sister, brother, marriage, being humbled by family life with adopted children and knowing of fear/trust in Almighty God and the Trinity.

      - I continue to be respectful towards persons standing in positions of authority, guided by action, good deeds rooted in regard for the Spirit of God and spiritual trials, tribulations, blessing and gifts.  Free will and agency [choice] regarding our path, callings to establish, mature in faith and set our moral compass, ethical practice with principles to serve always towards common good to praise and glorify Him.

      - I have always identified strongly with God and creation, natural nature; being an old romantic, always with a song in my heart, an eternal optimist, out-of-sync with my peer group and culture.  I have always had genuine love, regard with care and concern for children, the infirm, warm blooded creatures and the elderly.

      I remain at odds with Jung ‘changing Scripture [#3 below]’ for the promotion of his thoughts, concepts and theorem.  The dark side to the depths.  I remain upset Jungians deny and dismiss states of innocence, even stating innocence is a problem.  OMG please free God-given natural states of firstly naive, then matured beautiful vision states of innocence back to the diamonds in the rough.  I am unable to support the promotion of occult practices, the idolizing of lesser god/goddess mythological figures, and magic [white/black].

      What is it about these two words - Godhead + diamonds that I needed more time to learn and below is some of my process.  I Goggled Godhead and this is the primary article I read [several times] this past week: 


      Below are the key points I appreciated, reading becoming more informed, about what the word ‘Godhead’ means according to the author and based in Scripture:

      1) ”The biblical term "Godhead" (theiotes) is used three times in Scripture, Acts 17:29; Romans 1:20; Colossians 2:9.  The word “Trinity," which is the theological word Christians use to refer to the Godhead, is not found in Scripture.”

      2) “The Bible specifically states that God is Spirit and was never a man.  “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”  (Numbers 23:19).”

      3) The Bible further plainly states that Jesus Christ, being God, is eternal, as is the Father.   The Apostle John states clearly that Jesus, the Word, was with God in the beginning of the Universe.  “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.”  (John 1:1-4) 

      4) “The Person of God no one is allowed to see. "Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live" (Ex. 33:20).

      5) “Genesis 1:1-2
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

      6)  “Again in Genesis 1:26, God is spoken of as plural. "And God said, Let us make man in our image . . . "   The word “man” is the word “Adam” and refers to a human being both man and female.  The same word for “one” (Echad) is used in Genesis 2:24, speaking of the oneness of a husband and wife. God sees a husband and wife spiritually as being one.  This is another verse that helps to establish that two or more can spiritually be one.”

      7) “No one can mistake that the Bible is a supernatural Book which reveals the supernatural works of God in creating and working with man through the ages. The Bible presents mankind with God's ultimate and supernatural plan; that man, by simple faith in Jesus Christ the Savior, can have forgiveness for sins from his Creator, receive eternal life, and receive the spiritual nature of God.  Those who believe and receive Jesus Christ as their Savior become a part of Heaven.”

      8) “The mark of cults or false religions is that they all have gods who are made in man's image and are limited in power and existence to material limitations. (Also see Isa. 44:9-18)  
That is what Romans 1:21-23 says: "Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things." (Underline added).”

      9) “A person must understand the immensity of God and His power.  Seeking to comprehend God one must take into account that he is not trying to understand that which is physical or material, but supernatural and beyond man’s ability to comprehend.   Not being able to comprehend God we must simply take Him at His word as to who He is. 
John said, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world" (1 John 4:1-3). 
The Bible without question affirms the plurality of God and the only way to understand God’s plurality is to accept that God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are One God which establishes the Trinity.  John’s statement makes it absolutely vital that a person fully believe in the Trinity, which means to accept who and what God really truly is.   To believe anything else is to believe in a false god that does not exist.   
Because all men are lost in sin, only our supernatural Creator can save this lost and dying world. Only by fully believing in our Creator and God's promise of salvation can one be saved and receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life. The truth of the Trinity is unconditionally tied to accepting Him as He is.”

      The only reference to “diamond” regarding God I can recall is the saying “diamonds in the rough” which comes from a song by The Carter Family and a Christian Sermon shared by Mark Engler.  His summary of this phase is, “We all have trials and tribulations in life. God will help us through them, we are all but pieces of coal and with enough help from God we can be diamonds in His kingdom.”  His Scripture reference is James 1:1 – 1:12:


      And until I read your book and began studying the life of St. Theresa, the only other phrase I knew of regarding the word “diamonds” dates back to Marilyn Munroe and her classic song that supposes [proposals for marriage] that “Diamonds are a girls best friend.” 

      During my PhD studies [mid-life], I studied a series named, “Man, Myth + Magic” which I inherited from my awesome teacher.  I struggled deeply with all this leaning... about occult psychology and the significance placed by man upon gemstones in regards to riches, rituals and sources of magical power.  These times [1989 - 2005] were the most difficult years for me – unbelievable, most phenomenal - rude awakening, more potent than enduring any of my NDE’s!

      Here is The Carter Family sang about “The Diamonds in the Rough’


      Lastly, Engler references and I close this review of the words – Godhead + Diamonds with his choice of:

      2 Cor. 6:4-5 “but in everything commending ourselves as servants of God, in much endurance, in afflictions, in hardships, in distresses…[5] in beatings, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in sleeplessness, in hunger”…

      Heb 12:1-3, “THEREFORE, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us…[2] fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God…[3] For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary and lose heart.”

      Peace + Love Linda

    • Good afternoon Lynn - what a gem you are and have found to share with all of you/us.  I was so touched by the total beauty...my hearted opened and I wept in tears of joy!  Thank you, brilliant!  Peace + Love Linda

    • I was hesitant to post this version of the song - I was familiar with the CD version where the singer stays with "You." Now I turn to page 51 -

      "In the inner most chamber I have no "I." No Mother Teresa of the Melon-head . . . "I" and "You" are one."

      But then, "And who is this conquering "I?" No Melon-head, she is my warrior, my will. The stronger she is, the closer I can come, to you, dearest Lord."

      Thank you Elizabeth for your writing, for the bookclub, and for your questions. 

    • Dear Lyn, I am so moved by your posts, and the music!! Play on!!

  • OCT 22, 2015  - St. Theresa of Avila: GODHEAD + DIAMOND  

    Good morning Elizabeth  + All - OMG so much is transpiring for me… much to contemplate, try to share…I feel like a kid in the candy store or perhaps more appropriately, being lead gently along the degrees of watering of the garden St. Theresa so eloquently expresses that touches me so intimately, so deeply, nourishing my soul…I’m in that place of no words.

    How fortunate for me to be in all of this…at this point in my life...with all of you 

    Whatever, I have been into [spiritually speaking since 1983]; I feel like I have been and continue to be drawn backwards…outwards from myself [being pried off dead center] and onward into all the vast unknowns…  

    As quoted by Flinders in her 1995 - A Little Book on Women Mystics, excerpts are taken from the three-volume Collected Works of St. Theresa of Avila, and Bonnie, I was so happy to see [for you] that St. Theresa refers to bees and immediately want to share this amazing morsel from one of her recollections [29.7]:

    “…The gain will be clearly seen; we will understand, when beginning to pray, that the bees are approaching and entering the beehive, to make honey.”  We are truly making honey with you in this book club gathering…it’s palpable for me…

    Elizabeth, I was stopped-still by two words in your last post: “Godhead and diamond”…that took me on a detour into both my Analytical + Jerome Concordances…searching for something…but, not even knowing about just what…simply trusting my discernment and that the messages would come…and this is the beginning of what was gleamed…

    More quotes by Flinders [1995]; “On the prayer of quiet [1.1.1; 1.2.8]…that we consider our soul to be like a castle made entirely out of a diamond or of very clear crystal, in which there are many rooms, just as in heaven there are many dwelling places…turn your eyes towards the centre…the room…the royal chamber…where the King stays…”   

    Then, I was drawn, taken away to the sunrise:


    OMG…I simply need more time with all of this…so, till my next post, have a splendid day!  Peace + Love Linda 

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