Presenting myself and why am here

Hi everyone! I am Vera from Lisbon, Portugal. Among other occupations, I do transpersonal psychological astrology and study Arquetipical Psychology. Astrology tells us about the Mythos of our times, about the changing of paradigm and in which direction WHOLENESS is “suggesting” us to travel, as collective evolution. Myths mirror and are precious keys to the unfolding process of human consciousness. There are blue prints of inner realities that become outer realities and so they contain invaluable information that act as a compass and invite us to go within to transform without. In times of chaos, the arts, poetry, storytelling, folklore, and myths have the power to realign our bodysouls with that inherent blueprint or matrix, and so, help us taping with the script that ignites our inner resources and allow us to receive intuitive synchronistic information and to act accordingly to what our bodysouls “knows” as truth for itself, in any given moment. The Mythos we are now living:  of APOCALYPSE OR TERRACALYPSE, help us to collaborate with the letting go of the decaying structures, and to embrace the Mystery, the NEW THAT WILL COME, and that was, probably, never before experimented. So we have to imagine together, GIVE BIRTH to  that NEWness… reinforcing the Vision with knowledge, imagination, emotion and the right amount of surrender to the Process itself. To recognize and embody a MYTH (cooperating with its main lines of vital energy) is in a way, to bring again unity to a given situation, to bridge polarities, merge paradoxes, affirm and BE the Mystery in action. With love, Vera. 

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  • Hi Vera. So glad you found your way here to the Discussion group. It's wonderful to have you join us all the way from Portugal. I love how you expressed the following:

    "Myths mirror and are precious keys to the unfolding process of human consciousness. There are blue prints of inner realities that become outer realities and so they contain invaluable information that act as a compass and invite us to go within to transform without."

    I've been working for years with this issue of the vanishing honeybees (called Colony Collapse Disorder) and have though often about how the vanishing of the bees in the outer world mirrors what's going on with our psyche. We have collectively become disoriented, lost connection with the blueprint, and are ourselves failing to come home to the hive. If we humans can transform our current myths, maybe something will shift in the outer world for the bees (and all nature) as well.

    • Hi Bonnie,

      Thank you!

      Wonderful insight you present...and those bees make honey - one of the only food i know that can preservate itself long years without any special conditions, and wich is also a natural medicine. Honey, the sweetness of life...

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