WHAT: Special Study Group: Jung's with Jungian Analyst Robert
WHEN: Starts January 19th: Consists of 20 pre-recorded lectures of 1.5 hours each; an 88-page study guide created by, Robert 's colleague, Jill Fischer; and this written online discussion forum. Runs 40 weeks
WHO: Anyone who is interested in Jung's , Robert . Facilitators: Janet Fortess and Chris Doggett
>>>This Special Study Group starts January 19th, 2013. It is an open written discussion forum based on following the pre-recorded 40-hour audio course* with Robert available from Jung Platform.
This is a central place to which you can come and post questions or comments about the designated module you listened to for the 2-week period and interact with others who are doing the same thing. As such, there is no set "time" it occurs, but rather is ongoing and you can post or respond at your convenience. Janet Fortess and Chris Doggett, students and colleagues of Robert will be providing some structure and be on hand to facilitate the discussion, and Robert himself will also be checking in.
*If you're not following the audio course, you're still welcome to engage here in whatever discussion is emerging--though of course you'll likely get far more out of the process if you are able to listen to the course itself.
1. Listen to an interview with Robert on Shrink Rap Radio with host Dr. David Van Nuys to help you get to know Robert better in preparation for the course.
2. Get your copy of this in- audio course from Jung Platform. The course consists of 20 lectures of approximately 1.5 hours each which occur every two weeks. In each lecture Robert addresses a few pages from the . You can read along in your copy of the .
This course comes with an 88-page study guide designed by Robert 's colleague, Jill Fischer, which contains a synopsis of each lecture. After each session, there are questions to help you test your understanding. After finishing the entire 40-week course and tests, you get a CE certificate and a Certificate of Completion from the Jung Platform University.
(Cost FULL COURSE: Lectures 1 through 20 + 30 CEs + Synopsis / Study Guide - $99). members get additional 25% off using the code" "). The course may also be purchased in two individual parts.
3/ Join the online discussion forum in the Psychology online community (HERE!) starting January 19, 2013, where everyone who follows the audio course from Jung Platform can come together and discuss each particular section. This forum will be facilitated by two professionals, Janet Fortess and Chris Doggett, who have been trained in Embodied Imagination with Robert for three years and Robert will be checking in every two weeks as well. (This forum is open to everyone, regardless of whether you follow the audio course or have the )
Robert , PsyA, is a Jungian psychoanalyst who graduated from the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich in 1977. Since then he was been in private practice in the United States and Australia. Robert founded the Santa Barbara Healing Sanctuary and developed a method of working with dreams called Embodied Imagination. He has also written several s, including the worldwide bestseller ‘A Little Course In Dreams’.
By accident...LOL...this image found me this morning and I felt like sharing. I had been pondering the 100 year difference when Jung began The Red Book and this course starting, how the child would "lead" the way later, he found. Yes, being moved and touched on many levels.... Oh, the places we will go!
In that sense it may have been for the best that it was not published until after his death
Wow, Ava, I really like that way of framing TRB, and I did have that experience of reading the first chapter in which Jung makes statement after statement of immense significance without contextualizing or finessing them the way he does in his other writing which is more self-conscious in style. He allows his statements to stand alone with all the authority of scripture and by not preemptively engaging in argumentation his writing provides a powerful counterpoint to the prevailing viewpoint that cannot be dismissed by extending the argument.
Reading about the ceremonies of reversals of sacred festivals, literature, and customs in "On the psychology of he trickster-figure" in Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious -- the rite of the ass, the witches' sabbath, the fool's holiday, the feast of the circumcision, the relationship of the wounded healer to healing among shamans who undergo a painful journey that may damage them psychically even as they heal the people who come to them for cleansing and soul retrieval -- I might hypothesize that The Red Book is actually a Trickster book. TRB's development acts to destroy an outmoded structure of meaning that had built up, like layers of plaque on teeth, through the rigidity of the 1900's society and calcified religious morays. Had it been published right after it was developed, or at any point during Jung's lifetime, its Trickster power might have acted as a direct influence rather than as a historical document. It could have destructured this rigidity. Now, TRB's power remains to be elucidated or...does our and others' work with it encourage its Trickster-like influence to disseminate?
I feel as if there are many such Trickster phrases, ideas, and written fantasies within TRB that will be interesting to identify even though I don't have the Book in front of me at the moment.
I wish Jung had the courage, interest, confidence, or means to publish it in his lifetime, despite what outside academicians, psychologists, and the public might have said -- so that it would have joined his other 30 volumes as a seminally powerful work.
Hi Ava, it has had a similar effect on me just from activating my intentions since I have not had time to read beyond the first chapter. Very vivid dreams!
My photo finally downloaded but in a horizontal rather than vertical orientation which I can't yet figure out how to fix but may nonetheless be preferable to a photo of Jung. I will try to make more progress reading this weekend.
How funny, Constance! Trickster at work! I wonder what Jung would have made of this...? No doubt it would be grounds for a conversation with the "self" in the photo whose gone sideways... :)
How funny Bonnie! The site administrator (ahem) invokes Jung's theory of acausality rather than telling me how to rotate the photo:) I did have the same thought however when it happened which is even funnier since I am a cause and effect kind of person but the trickster does wreak havoc in my dreams at times so it appears that I am becoming a believer!
Constance: I think I am finally learning surrender! I actually don't have any more idea about what's going on with that photo or how to fix it than you do, I'm pretty sure. Its a mystery to me, so I'm sort of perplexed--equally a victim of Trickster but willing to admit defeat.
Actually it makes me think of alchemy and the stage of mortificatio as we allow things that need to be still to just...decompose. I had the luck of doing a couple of days of lecture on the Red Book with John Peck, one of the three translators. and was blown away by the sheer volume of symbolism in the manuscript. Even the (I thought) "simple" initials/alphabet letters/ chapter headings are highly alchemical and loaded with meaning. I think we all need a certain amount of surrender in delving into the Red Book just to let ourselves sink into the sheer vastness and depth....
But to get back to the trickster, perhaps he mediates some of the tension between meaning and anti-meaning which Jung discusses in Chapter 1. it seems in my dreams at least that the trickster's actions are not random acts of destruction for its own sake but that he takes pleasure in destroying structures of meaning that function as defenses against suffering.