Recommended Books, Authors, Poets

I'll start this thread so we can try to track the books, authors, and poets that come up in the weekly discussions, and also please feel free to "Reply" to this and add your own. Thanks!

In Session 1, I mentioned the book, "The Dream and the Underworld" by James Hillman.

Amber and Karen read poems from Mark Tredinnick and Naomi Shihab Nye respectively--maybe not everyone has heard of them.

Brian or Robert: What was the book Brian recommended that you both like so much?...

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  • Here is a link to some of Mark Tredinnick's work, and you can listen to him read (which will be much better than my reading):   His book, Fire Diary, is only available from Pitt Street Poetry and it takes about three weeks to receive, but its definitely worth it.     

    As an afterthought, the childlike sense of wonder that Robert was talking about reminded me of this book by Tobin Hart called The Secret Spiritual World of Children.  I have been thinking lately about how my adult brain (one might call my ego) tends to rationalize or mute my ability to become enraptured by the the particularities of a moment, place, or person as I could as a child.  For example, when I was a child I saw a ghost, and I believe that it was actually there because I remember sensing its presence so vividly.  However, if I saw/felt something similar today I would think that I didn't get enough sleep, or that it was probably a dream, or maybe just the flicker of the television.  I have been trying to write about/from the perspective of sensations I remember experiencing as a child without narrativizing them, but more trusting in the qualities of novel perception. So, it was nice to hear that someone else has been thinking about how children inherently access a more wonder-filled perspective.   

    Unfortunately, I will not be able to participate live in the subsequent sessions because I am beginning my school semester and I have a conflicting class, but I will try to be responsive in the discussions.  Thank you all for making my first webinar experience enjoyable.   

    Poetry by Mark Tredinnick :
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