“10 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Mythologist at Your Start-Up!”
By Willi Paul, NewMythologist.com
+ Mythologists are outside the box thinkers who stick to your audience.
+ We bring a global perspective from your customers to your content.
+ Need to weave a story to connect your tagline to your bottom line?
+ We develop symbols from your sub-conscious and spark your brand!
+ Mythologists are smart, seamless, supportive and positive!
+ We build emotional scaffolding for the emerging Transition economy.
+ We find and integrate lessons learned with collaborative visions.
+ Need a data banker and golden nugget miner?
+ We are chaos explorers and super pollinators.
+ Mythologists are ecosystem farmers who love off-sites and leftovers!
* * * * * * *
Willi Paul
New Mythologist & Transition Entrepreneur
newmythologist.com | PlanetShifter.com Magazine | openmythsource.com
@planetshifter @openmythsource @PermacultureXch
415-407-4688 | pscompub @ gmail.com
To be honest, I prefer Mama D's version. Never mind, this one is also nice.
Speaking of "learned" - it's edited in Mama D's version. Everyone is learning (or at least they should). These people http://rspbcop15.tumblr.com/post/295318665/2020-climate-solution-me... had (that website they are referring to isn't active and I was the last active person there - the memories are still here) some serious ambitions, connections, and activities. My story (if it's real) is built from scratch (if my active imagination "forced" me to start collecting Barbie dolls, I would do that just as well), with many twists and turns, and now and then (in time frames of years and it seems decades) something tangible happens.
It's like with that chicken and egg (Have I already mentioned chickens and eggs somewhere?) - everyone would join if they knew which cause to join.