Instinct + Paranoia = Resilience? Climate change, species extinction and terrorism in the Chaos Era. By Willi Paul,

[ 1 ] Three Definitions -

A behavior is instinctive if it is performed without being based upon prior experience (that is, in the absence of learning), and is therefore an expression of innate biological factors.

Paranoia is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of irrationality and delusion. Making false accusations and the general distrust of others also frequently accompany paranoia.

Psychological resilience is defined as an individual’s ability to properly adapt to stress and adversity. It can be learned and developed by virtually anyone. Resilience should be considered a “learned behavior.”

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[ 2 ] First, let’s consider the general impact of the equation on three global concerns -

Climate Change: Moderate public paranoia with little instinctual solutions (avoidance). Low Resilience.

Species Extinction: Low public paranoia and little instinctive behavior to reverse course. Low Resilience.

Terrorism: High public paranoia with “kill or be killed” instincts. Moderate Resilience.

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[ 3 ] According to Jungian approach of psychology , some highly developed elements of the collective unconscious are called ‘archetypes’. Carl Jung developed an understanding of archetypes as universal, archaic patterns and images that derive from the collective unconscious and are the psychic counterpart of instinct.

How does this definition of resilience influence both current and potentially new archetypes?

A. Permaculture & Nature Archetype: A love to preserve unique landscapes for future generations. Mistrust of greedy, short-term land and energy developers
Symbols: Tree of Life, Permaculture logo, Yosemite, Seeds, Amazon Rain Forest, US Gulf Coast

B. Permaculture & Nature Archetype: Our hope is to build sustainable systems in our local neighborhoods and towns. Fear of food and fuel shortages; fights for resources between neighbors and governments
Symbols: Crude oil on rails, GMO; Convergence and sharing expo events; neighborhood plans and new rituals

C. Permaculture & Nature Archetype: A deep love for freedom to own fire arms; fear of guns and killing.
Symbols: AK-47, US Flag, Scenes from mass shootings, vigils, pawn shops

D. Permaculture & Nature Archetype: Fear that global warming will destroy all life on Earth. Mistrust of business and goal of short-term profits
Symbols: Rising coastal tides, melting polar ice, coal fired power plants.

E. Permaculture & Nature Archetype: Mistrust of energy privatization and corrupt safety practices. Love of the system and blind faith in corporate responsibility
Symbols: BP, PG&E, Duke Energy

                 - 5 Proposed Permaculture & Nature Archetypes and their Symbols i...

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[ 4 ] Study Questions -

+ How to change paranoia behavior to instinctive behavior?

+ If we update our global symbols, what are the possible benefits?

+ Is paranoia a necessary trigger or stimuli for adaption and evolution? Can we teach it?

+ How is duck and cover expressed, taught and implemented now?

+ Is instinct a mythic trigger?

+ Is paranoia is the gut or check of an individual or social movement?

+ Is surveillance increasing paranoia and weakening resilience?

[ 5 ] Next Step -

How would a “resilience app” work?

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  • I think that we are irreversibly slipping into more and more violence. America is fighting against its own creation and Obama has plans for that agony to last for at least three years (the potential American presidents Clinton and Romney are more than willing to continue with that mass murder, excited about F-22's capacity for massacre). He would be very unhappy if it stopped today. There's nothing new in politicians and institutions behaving this way (,,, but potential consequences are much more dramatic this time. I have as many reasons to be a terrorist against the West (the village where my mother was born was destroyed by Croatian Army because and only because America and Germany were supporting wars (and renewal of fascism) in former Yugoslavia, just like now in Ukraine and the Middle East) and its admirer (popular culture and searching for novelty and new ideas and challenges).

    At the "moment", the chaos is winning. It isn't some outside force - we are its parts.

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