“Oh, PermaTrans, where art thou?” : Rant by Willi Paul, Planetshifter.com Magazine

ChildrenAre we passing the buck – and our kids – into crazy crowd funding bashes in the hope for the next best green thing?

A Unified Movement? Where? The Occupy Movement is fried, where are we going?

Getting beyond the listservs, pundits, and U Tubes: how about a new “national newspaper”? Transition Television? Where is permaculture’s mega hit rock band? I can’t hear you!

Spiritual Now?! Forget the religion block from “Permie control” in Australia; without this healing power, we are just farmers.

Capitalism vs. Transition? perpetuating profit lust while disguising our greed as global conscious change is ugly.

Heroes and Business Women? Too many expensive and redundant events, groups and classes; not enough grass-roots labs and initiatives, urgh?

Our Collective Consciousness. How do you define, measure, evaluate and shape this yack?

Where are our debated visions of the futureBig templates for change? Have you heard any feedback from the recent 2013 NorCal Transition – Permaculture Convergence?

Painful. Permaculturists are still using unpaid interns and volunteers to grow their markets!

Politics? How many of the runners for Fall City Council elections are including Permaculture or Transition ideas? I can’t hear you!

* * * * * * *

Get More: Permaculture 2012: Four Problems in Need of Integrated Solutions by Willi

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  • It's not that I'm an expert in functioning of the collective mind and the emerging (I hope so) transition (and emergence, networks, anticipation, and thresholds in general), and I've found a lot of authors and texts pointing to the same thing from different angles. I find some interesting intuition in the stuff you are doing. Of course you've read and written a lot of texts, but I still find something primal and raw in your motivation and intuition.

    That mega hit rock band couldn't go at the moment much further than Muse and Pearl Jam. There is the so-called Cascadian black metal scene with Fauna/Echtra as the mentally/psychologically most dedicated and intense exemplar.

    • "... something primal and raw in your motivation and intuition...." = chaos age. WOX

    • http://www.bath.ac.uk/cree/sterling/sterlingthesis.pdf - "Whole Systems Thinking as a Basis for Paradigm Change in Education: Explorations in the Context of Sustainability" by Stephen Sterling (doctoral thesis)

      This link is just one example of what I'm talking about. I don't expect anyone here to actually read it (though it wouldn't hurt). A good science or thinking should be something that improves one's understanding and not something that boosts one's ego. When one deals with unconscious hints (different from understanding), long-term thinking (different from competition and globalization as we know it), networks (interactions instead of parts and objects), emergence (increasing instead of decreasing the number of chances and possibilities), anticipation (instead of reaction), and transition (instead of status quo), he/she will inevitably start thinking and talking differently. It's like you need a brand new brain in order to grasp that chaos and confusion.

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