“The Sharing & Re-Skilling Show!”
@ Transition Palo Alto’s Sharing Expo
Common Ground, 559 College Ave, Palo Alto
Sunday, September 8, 11am – 12:30pm
Host: Willi Paul
What is The Sharing & Re-Skilling Show? It’s Family Edu-Fun ala Transition! Video for the Web! Bring your inventions, muffins, visions, backyard produce and share your story via short interview. Think “Antiques Roadshow without the appraiser.” Let’s create our own channel!
Here are a few of the Transition sectors that we are looking for:
Repair / Re-Use
Food and Garden
Arts & Crafts
Home Green Tech
There is no charge to participate as a guest on the show. Please bring what you need to tell your story. Sign-up for a 5 -7 minute time slot by Friday, Sept 6 at: williperm@yahoo.com. Background Info: Transition Tales & Transition Tales 2
Co-Sponsors: Transition Palo Alto & Planetshifter.com Magazine
Nice. All good. All I can do is develop the tools and build the bridge. Others? There are many egos, false doors and circles here. The course is collaborative.
Williperm - This name reminds me again that permaculture is a neologism (i.e. a complicated new word) made of "permanent" and "culture". Also, I suppose you want to be permanent, to stay on your course for awhile. This is perhaps the biggest psychological obstacle for the new mythology: to stay on the course AND trust that others will still be on the course (emerging by itself and ignored by big business, big politics, and even bigger nutcases trying to control and spy the situation) or at least not deviate too much from the course.