The Spine of Integrity

Hi Dorene/Shryl

I was wondering if you could elaborate more on the idea of the Spine of Integrity?

What else might we look for?

I touched upon this question with Shryl somewhat in a conversation previously but....does the Rational/Judging and Irrational/Perceiving Spine in the Whole Type model pertain to the notion that the Rational/Judging Types are characterized by the use of "Will" and the Irrational/Perceiving Types feel like Life just happens to them?

I think you alluded to that a little bit in the class when you said the Judging Spines are more "doers" and the Perceiving Spines are perhaps more observers and taking in information.

What might be the difference for the Judging Spines between an Introverted "doer" as opposed to an Extraverted "Doer?" like wise for the Perceiving Spines?

This question really blossoms from a quote by Jung:

"Speaking generally a judging observer will tend to seize the conscious character, while a perceptive observer will be influenced more by the unconscious character, since judgement is chiefly interested in the conscious motivation of the psychic process, while perception tends to register the mere happening."

C.G. Jung CW-6-Pyschological Types-Pg.427

Thank you.

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  • Hi Chris:

    Your question: "What might be the difference for the Judging Spines between an Introverted "doer" as opposed to an Extraverted "Doer?" like wise for the Perceiving Spines?"

    Keep in mind that the spines are about balance and complementarity. So, even within a judging spine, there is introversion and extraversion. When it comes to "doing," a judging spines does a lot of assessing, deciding, evaluating, judging, within the context that it involves both an extraverted FA and an introverted FA. A perceiving spine is about experiencing and taking in information, within the context of having both an introverted and extraverted FA.

    • I hope we can explore this more tonight.  I am again confused.

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