Hi everyone,
You have each contacted me with wonderful ideas about how you'd like to contribute to the Alliance, and I'm so excited about the possibilities for both you and for the Alliance.
In return, I'm hoping to help promote you, serve as a reference, and/or help you build more skills wherever possible if you are interested. I also think there will be some great ways to collaborate and meet new people if this is of interest.
Meanwhile, I know you each had your own reasons for volunteering here, and I'm sure most of those reasons have more to do with leaning toward something in your personal destiny that is calling you rather than a desire to take on more tasks! :) I'm hoping this group can serve as a concurrent container in which we can begin to explore that underlying current for each of us even while making the Alliance more valuable to members and the world at large.
Volunteers: Please take a minute to finish the sentence, "I'm most interested in...." with a short statement so the rest of us can get a feel for where your interests lie and we can get to know each other a bit. If you want to know more about the Board members, you can see their bios under the "About" tab.
To post here, just hit "Reply" below, type or paste your response, then hit "Add" below your reply. Note: This group is private to those of us who are members for the time being....
A web summit seems to be a good idea although my first reaction is "maybe too big"...Anyway I am slowly getting better from being sick in January when I was in Mississippi. So I will do the best I'm able to to help.:-)
Questions to ponder: What's in that acorn that is calling you forward?—and what does it have to do with you wanting to contribute to the Alliance at this exact time in your life?

I am most interested in the interweaving of psychology, ecology, and spirituality.
A quote from a recent Pacifica Graduate Institute post best describes why I feel drawn to volunteer with Depth Psychology Alliance at this time:
“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us”. Joseph Campbell.
This idea goes along with the Rilke quote - I will ponder the question of what is in the acorn.
Thanks, Lynn. We have very similar interests, and I don't know if you notices but Maryse above also expresses an interest in spiritual ecology. I'm having flashes of a Depth Alliance web summit on the topic, which will require lots of diverse talent to put it together and make it happen...but it could be really fun and rewarding.
I thought that class with David Crow looked great!--Would love to hear how you like it when its over. I'll be posting some general ideas about upcoming plans and projects, and then maybe we can narrow it down from there. More on that shortly....
I'm looking forward to hearing about upcoming plans and projects...:-)
I have a tendency to like to stay open to different topics but I think that to start I'm most interested in spiritual ecology.
Thanks Maryse. This is also something I am passionate about. I'm hoping to offer more options to Alliance members on this topic... Maybe you and I can brainstorm (along with anyone else who is interested) about what might be the most interesting kinds of offerings we could create.
Great Bonnie that you are also interested! I'm taking a class at the Shift Network with David Crow on Medicinal Plants and Spiritual Evolution. It's fascinating! It started yesterday. Maybe in a week or two I will be more equipped to come up with interesting ideas when we brainstorm. I'm just curious, do you already have some ideas about what types of offerings could be appropriate for the Alliance?