



Forest Knolls, CA

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Julia Weaver, LMFT

Which of the following best describes your proposed membership status? If you are signing up with your first and last name, please choose "Individual." Please do NOT choose one of the other options unless you are creating a profile page with a business or organization name


What are your main areas of interest?

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If you are signing up as an Individual Member, do you have a degree in Depth Psychology?

Other type of Psychology

If so, from what institution?

CIIS, Integral Counseling Psychology 1987

Are you a licensed or clinical therapist?


Please share a little about yourself by way of introduction. What draws you to Depth Psychology and what are you looking for from this community?

Julia “Mandala” Weaver, LMFT is the founder of Art and Soul, a resource center for spiritual practice, embodied spiritual psychotherapy, and expressive art. Her 30 years of practice include the Buddhist, Advaita Vedantic, Navajo, Shamanic and Sufi traditions, along with Qigong, Continuum, 5 Rhythms, Soul Motion, iRest, and Sensory Awareness body practices. She has an MA in Integral Psychology, a BA in Fine Arts, a certification in massage, and extensive training in sound/movement expression. Julia is also a licensed psychotherapist in private practice (MFT License #30156). She works with individuals, groups and sangha circles. All that she offers is dedicated to supporting an embodied spiritual awakening that is in service to Gaia and all sentient beings. Her intention is to perceive and reveal the Light inherent in all Life while resting in the “Heart of Luminous Darkness”, letting all response emerge from the fertile womb of silence. While swimming off the Kona coast in 1996, Julia had a mystical experience in which she she was blessed to swim with a small pod of wild spinner dolphins with only her family and two other women for several hours. She spontaneously received mandala images, which took her into deeper dimensions of healing and spiritual practice. “For several years, I had been praying for a vehicle to express my aspirations to create art as a spiritual practice for healing and transformation that wasn’t about me personally, but encompassed the whole. The Mandala process turned out to be the ideal form.” Two weeks after her initial experience with the dolphins, she began studying with Dr. Judith Cornell, author of Mandala: Luminous Symbols for Healing. She gratefully apprenticed and assisted her mentors in workshops through 2001. Since 1996, Julia has offered mandala workshops and presentations for adults and children across the US, Hawaii and London, at locations such as Spirit Rock Meditation Center, California Institute of Integral Studies, Nine Gates Mystery School, Women Of Wisdom and the International Imagery Conference. She also offers webinar workshops that are accessible globally and finds great joy in guiding groups on dolphin swim retreats in Hawaii. She has continued to experience deep physical healing and spiritual awakening through her contact with these highly evolved beings. Many of her mandalas have been birthed in her annual pilgrimages to Hawaii. She is an Environmental Arts Educator, facilitating rite-of-passage ceremonies that combine sacred intention and the Mandala Process with gardens, rituals, collages, and tree planting. These ceremonies promote community re-vitalization, ecological healing and world peace. She also uses the mandala process as a creative consultant with non-profit organizations and is available for consultations or embodied psychotherapy sessions in person and by phone. In response to the events of September 11th, 2001, she creates large-scale community interactive Peace Mandalas called “One World One Heart”. It is her deepest joy to invite others to experience their own embodied luminous divinity through private counseling, retreats, webinars and the sharing of her visionary art, all in service of personal, environmental and social healing. She loves to collaborate!

What is your WEB SITE (IF you would like to promote it)?


If you have a Twitter, Facebook, Blog, or LinkedIn account and would like to have people "follow" you, list it here

fb - Julia Mandala Weaver www.juliamandala.weebly.com twitter mandalaweaver

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  • Greetings Julia and a very warm welcome to our online depth psychology community. It's great to see you here! This is an exciting time for the Depth Psychology Alliance, as we are expanding and adding many features to this forum. 

    As you may know, we now are made up of 4,450 members from all over the world. I hope that as you have explored the community you have noticed what a dynamic group of like-minded people are here, all who are deeply drawn by the field of depth psychology. While there are many Jungian analysts and clinical psychologists here, our members come from all walks of life--artists, writers, doctors, healing professionals, counselors, students, business people, etc--so there is much cross-disciplinary knowledge and experience here to be shared.

    I see you have not personalized your photo. I encourage you to switch out the photo of Carl Jung for a photo/image of your own. 

    If you haven't discovered this already, there are many opportunities to engage as you browse the site. Please feel free to post a topic for discussion in the forum, respond to another member's post, or share a link to an article or web site you like. From reading your bio and interests, I can see that you have lots to share and offer our community.  I look forward to reading and hearing more about these.

    Here are a few quick links to front page items that may be of interest to you. The Multimedia Library contains talks, videos and articles that may be of interest to you. The Depth Insights e-zine has articles, poetry, and images from past issues. And, then we have the Events page which contains calls for papers, upcoming conferences, and workshops. FYI, Thursday, April 14th at 5pm PDT, Mark Sipowicz and I will be co-hosting the next Deep Meet n Greet, where new members come together to say hi and get to know one another. I would love for you to be part of this event so I can meet you.

    The Alliance also has a Facebook page which is quite lively and would love to see you posting there.

    Here's a link to help you navigate the site for your convenience. I look forward to seeing your posts and comments around the various forums.

    I look forward to seeing you around the boards & please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


    Donna May, MA, LMFT

    Depth Therapist, Consultant, Educator & Writer

    Depth Psychology Alliance Board Member

    MultiMedia Library
    If you wish to share webinars, video, or audio of your own material —or if you recommend presentations or materials of others that are freely availab…
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