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Jungian Psychology, Archetypal Psychology, Mythology, Transpersonal Psych

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The topic is new to me, but as a Gnostic, I find it very insightful. I am eager to read and to learn.

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  • Welcome Bev,
    As a Gnostic, I'm wondering what your path was to get to this world-view. I think you will find many in the Alliance who are unnamed/unclaimed gnostics. Hope you find much to enjoy in the m,any forums, blogs, and groups.
  • Hi Bev. Welcome to the Alliance. I'm glad you've found us. I think you'll find many like-minded individuals in the community who want to stay connected, seek intellectual stimulation, and to work on better understanding themselves.

    I don't know if you're familiar with the work of Craig Chalquist, but he is an amazing depth psychologist and had an excellent article in the Jung Journal last fall on Gnosticism that you might enjoy reading. Here is the reference in case you can access it: "'Hidden in What Is Visible': Deliteralizing the Gnostic Worldview." Jung Journal: Culture and Psyche 4(4), October 2010.

    Meanwhile, I encourage you to jump in and engage right away by joining a discussion, commenting on others' posts, or posting some of your own work. I'll send you some tips on navigating the site in a separate email. Enjoy!
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