John Lundwall commented on Barry Spector's blog post Barry’s Blog # 129: White Privilege
"Dear Barry, this will be my last post here. I do not mean to offend, but truthfully almost every definition of white privilege you offer is a logical fallacy. Whenever social policy is predicated on logical fallacy endless suffering is the result.…"
Apr 18, 2015
John Lundwall commented on Barry Spector's blog post Barry’s Blog # 129: White Privilege
"I should also say, the strength of your definitions as well."
Apr 17, 2015
John Lundwall commented on Barry Spector's blog post Barry’s Blog # 129: White Privilege
"I understand the article was not about solutions. However, the solution part of this worldview is the prominent thing to discuss. Show me your solutions for your definitions of white privilege and I will show you the weakness of your definitions."
Apr 17, 2015
John Lundwall commented on Barry Spector's blog post Barry’s Blog # 129: White Privilege
"No. Not at all. What is your solution for each of the "definitions" of white privilege you invoke? Tell me your specific social, economic, and political policies you would implement and enforce as a result of your definitions. That's all I want to…"
Apr 17, 2015
John Lundwall commented on Barry Spector's blog post Barry’s Blog # 129: White Privilege
"The intellectual paucity of your argument will be revealed when you articulate a solution for "white privilege," which you failed to do. "
Apr 17, 2015

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  • Greetings Dr. Lundwall and welcome to the Depth Psychology Alliance. I am pleased you chose to join our wonderful online community! (And, welcome from one PGI community member to another!)

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    Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. I look forward to seeing you around the community.


    Jesse Masterson, M.S., M.A., M.Div., and

    Doctoral Candidate in Depth Psychology: Community Psychology, Liberation Psychology, and Ecopsychology

    Depth Psychology Alliance Board Member

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  • Hi John. Welcome to the Alliance! Your ears must be burning. Dianne T-T and I were just discussing you via email. I'd love to connect with you live about some ideas I have. I'll message you separately. Meanwhile, enjoy browsing the site here!

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