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Jungian Psychology, Archetypal Psychology, Ecopsychology, Transpersonal Psych

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Books by Robert Johnson, Marion Woodman, Bill Plotkin....

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  • Welcome Katrina,

    Glad you have joined us and you mention some of my favorite authors. Have you seen the DVD about Marion Woodman entitled Dancing in the Flames? Wonderful!!! Hope you find much to interest you in the mant blogs, groups, and forums.


  • Hi Katrina. Welcome to the online Depth Psych community. So glad you've found us. I hope you will jump in right away and engage--whether its just to comment on others' comments--or to post and share some of your own thoughts or work. I will send you a message that may help you navigate the site better, but if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy!
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