
Before you go further, please be sure you are applying for membership with YOUR REAL NAME, FIRST AND LAST, or if you are signing up as an organization, publisher, or project, list the organization name here; then list the name of the contact person in the next question.

Magalia, CA

What are your main areas of interest?

Jungian Psychology, Archetypal Psychology, Mythology, Ecopsychology, Liberation Psychology, Other

If you are signing up as an Individual Member, do you have a degree in Depth Psychology?


If so, from what institution?

Pacifica Graduate Institute

Are you a licensed or clinical therapist?

No. I am a depth psychologist, although i provided many years of mental health counseling for the residents of the county in which i live. However, I find clinical psychology limiting. See below.

Please share a little about yourself by way of introduction. What draws you to Depth Psychology and what are you looking for from this community?

It is Passion which draws me to depth psychology, especially archetypal psychology. Archetypes are the essential base to all components, therefore archetypal psychology is essential to all psychologies. In particular, quantifiable therapies are obstructed without this connection. Clinical diagnostics limit life when they could (or even should) be involved in launching a campaign to expand it. And another sad fact: there is no theory of behavior that will ever cure the modern western condition; modern psychology attempts to typify, tie down, and ironically control psyche. It tends to alter the natural diversity of humanity, eliminating any need to reflect on a deeper “why”. The root of psychology remains "psyche" --yet where is this psyche? Where is this Soul that is reflected in the fascinating expansion of consciousness, already unearthed by the philosophies of ancient cultures, Jung, Christ, and quantum physics (at the very least)? It is lost to the medical system that delivered psychology. That is to say, depth psychology has enough juice to heal beyond our egos –beyond our individual desires or opinions. On the surface of consciousness ego and behavior thrive, but ego is not where connection lives. Shining up ego will never heal a human heart; ego can only develop if it grows wings and flies beyond its boundaries. Yet ego carries the necessary energy to correctly align with the transformative forces of the archetype, which may then ask of us to turn toward, trust, and evolve experience into consciousness. So exhuming psyche into this dense, physical world is an intention of depth psychology. Father Science and Mother Soul can beget a new creation, one capable of changing the very definition of mental health through the revisioning of clinical psychology with depth psychology. Benefits I expect from this community would involve opportunities to teach, write, or counsel.

Do you belong to any other online Psychology-related communities or orgs? If so, which?

I work with another psychologist to co-edit our writing, and i also work with another depth psychologist to provide psychic counseling/reading.

What is your WEB SITE (IF you would like to promote it)?


If you have a Twitter, Facebook, Blog, or LinkedIn account and would like to have people "follow" you, list it here

Therapy Jam on facebook and twitter

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  • Hello Theresa,

    Greetings, and welcome to the online depth psychology community. I'm so glad you've joined us. I hear you when you speak of your passion for the field and especially archetypal psychology. I am also part of the Pacifica community and was just blown away by some of the teachers I was able to study with. I look forward to your contributions to this community!

    As you may know, we currently have over 2300 members on the Alliance from all over the world and we're growing. I hope as you explore the community you find a dynamic group of like-minded people who are all deeply drawn by the field of depth psychology. While there are many Jungian analysts and clinical psychologists here, our members come from various walks of life including artists, writers, doctors, scientists, healing professionals, counselors, students, business people, etc--so there is much cross-disciplinary knowledge and experience here to be shared.

    On that note, please take a moment and introduce yourself in the Forum and let the community know what brings you here or what your background is. Also, there are many opportunities to engage as you browse the site. When you're ready to jump in, please feel free to post a topic for discussion in the forum, respond to another member's post, or share a link to an article or web site you like.

    The January online book club featuring  "The War of the Gods in Addiction" with David E. Schoen (http://www.depthpsychologyalliance.com/events/january-2013-online-b...) ended but you can read the archived comments and listen to the four weekly archived teleconferences with David if you want--or browse the written discussions from past months as well. We'll have more Book Club groups in coming months.

    Otherwise, we've recently launched an ongoing special study group on the Red Book with Robert Bosnak (http://www.depthpsychologyalliance.com/events/special-study-group-j...) which you can join anytime.

    In case you need detailed help getting started and navigating the site, you can use the following link----http://www.depthpsychologyalliance.com/page/navigating-the-site and please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions at all! I look forward to seeing you around the community.

    Jesse Masterson, Board Member

    EVENT LISTING: January 2013 Online Book Club: "The War of the Gods in Addiction" with David E. Scho…
    Platform™, Depth Psychology Alliance™, and Shrink Rap Radio™ have joined forces for the 2013 January online book club. Join us for free access to an …
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