During that trip to the US in 1909 Jung reports to his wife that he was asked to hold a speech on the psychology of Sex. It is interesting that even back then those rich east coasters with their black servants in white jackets were using Jung and Freud to some degree as a reason for a big Party, giving out H.C. degrees to the hip intellectuals of old Europe etc. and what better way to be modern and to talk about, than Sex. It shows that the poverty of culture or the technological changes in culture has opened the door for desperation for experience. Sex is the easiest accessible autonomous experience of instinct. So we can see how the road to the porn industry was already paved back then. No need for surprise now. The fact that sex is just as psychological to humans as any form of divinity or mysticism has still not penetrated most human minds.
Helmut Heiligenmann posted a status
Sep 29, 2022