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NEW! *Read a written transcript of this interview here

9142462896?profile=originalIn this interview, Sandra Easter, Ph.D., author of Jung and the Ancestors: Beyond Biography, Mending the Ancestral Web, speaks movingly about how developing a relationship with our ancestors and ancestral past can help us heal, both individually and collectively.

Sandra offers workshops in ancestral soul work and transformational visioning for individuals and organizations, and she will be presenting about ancestral soul work at the C.G. Jung Psychology and Spirituality Conference in Santa Fe, NM, which takes place June 9-16, 2017.


The 2017 conference, “Nature and Soul: Cultivating a Relationship with the Wholeness of All,” seeks to provide an opportunity to explore the integration of Jungian Psychology and spirituality by means of in-depth lectures by Jungian Analysts, creative expression, rituals, and excursions to sites that enhance the experience of the world of C.G. Jung.

The vision is that the conference will go beyond a traditional format to serve as a retreat. Participants will be eating meals together, attending daily dream circles and talking circles, spending time socializing and networking, and also going on excursions into nature, history and the artistic communities of Santa Fe.

Conference presenters include Jerome Bernstein, Jeffrey Kiehl, Thomas Elsner, Monika Wikman, John Todd, Puddi Kullberg, and Frank Morgan, along with Sandra Easter

Get details or register for the Conference at


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READ a written transcript of this interview here