Hi Cathy, very sweet description of the upcoming Aries Libra full moon. And I loved that exquisite photo.
Thanks to you I now have, Buber's I-Thou classic in one hand. And I've begun a journal of all the qualities that I've always loved/hated in "the other," and one by one am starting to try them on and integrate them as my own!
Of course I took another peek at the sign on my seventh house cusp in order to be reminded of what I love/hate in others and am now preparing to go through this inventory once and for all........as courageously as (Aries) on the 7th can . And maybe, just maybe, since I have Libra rising and a reversed natural zodiac, I can at least attempt to do so with at least a bit of diplomacy (Libra). By the way if one knows their horoscope and the sign on the 7th (Libra) house cusp of partners/others, that reclaiming and owning of qualities, archetypes, style and characteristics usually described by the sign on the cusp of the 7th, carried by and that one loves/hates in the other, is a terrific exercise...Hah..if only!