Patterns (5)

The Anatomy of Aliveness

Body Wisdom Congress
During the Body Wisdom Congress this summer in Benicassim, Spain, among many other international speakers, I will offer two seminars: 

Untangling Present Somatic Experience from Sensations Stored in Interfacial Water

Beliefs about who we are, what the world is like, and what we can aspire to in life, arise out of the continual flow of sensations in the body that are not reflections of present experience but of the initial conditions of our lives.  Although these sensations seem

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Buddha's birthday


The other day I found these words in my heart, wanting to be written:
Barcelona, May 1, 2014

In a few days it will be Buddha Sok Ga Mo Ni’s birthday. As this joyous occasion is drawing near, this year, Queen Maya keeps coming to mind. 

In my work as a DFA practitioner of Somatic Pattern Recognition and Archetypal Pattern Analysis, I have the chance to observe the patterns that evolve out of the early conditions of my clients’ lives. Since humans are born before gestation is complete, it continu

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Body Wisdom Spain


III International Congress Body Wisdom Spain "Vital connections: the Essential Function of Fascia in Movement and Structure", June 6-7, in Benicassim, Spain

I will talk about

  • Towards a fuller understanding of the interaction between myofascial tone and water – Working with beliefs reflected in liquid cristal

Hypertonic tissues keep wide areas of human experience underneath the threshold of consciousness. When they acquire an optimal resting tone, possible with efficient alignment in the gravitation

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An orientation of attention

Water hydrating the tissues of our bodies is exquisitely sensitive and responsive to the orientation of our attention. Most adults habitually function in an incisive mode that overrides perception of sensory information about their relationship to their inner and outer environment. An instantaneous shift in tissues responsiveness involving the whole body takes place, when attention enters a receptive mode that allows conscious experience of this relationship and enables individuals to modulate t

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Education Institution

Patterns at Work, Patterns We Live By

In looking at patterns, we see an incarnation and expression of archetypes and spirit within the internal and external world.  The specific form and design of these patterns gives voice to the reality of these underlying shapers of experience.  
From the moment a dancer steps onto the stage, to the lyrical musings of a poet, and even to our most intimate of relationships, we find these highly stylized, patterns in our life.  Joseph Campbell allowed us to see that one’s life is an unfolding of

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