coaching (2)

In practice, soul-centered coaching not only helps clients to overcome limiting beliefs, difficult emotions, and negative reactions that can stand in the way of happiness and success, it also helps them create new possibilities in their lives. If you feel called to the idea of working with a soul-centered coach, many of the advanced students in the 1-2 Year Certificate Programs in Soul-Centered Coaching Psychology at the Institute for Soul-Centered Coaching and Psychology offer sessions free of
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As a coach/guide who is in the process of integrating (as and when appropriate) evolutionary astrology into working with people through their Saturn and Uranus-oriented life transitions, a recent awakening of my own occurred on holiday. I was at sea, relaxing with the gentle rocking of the Mediterranean ocean as the ship swayed and dipped with the waves. I thought this a timely metaphor of the nature of individual Souls as part of the vast sea of the collective, out of which we all emerge, yet a

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