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Waves of Awareness


Waves of Awareness

II recently had the good fortune of standing at the shore of the Pacific Ocean.  The water was crystal clear, I could see through the waves, the light illuminated the water and I was entranced.  Partly, of course, that euphoric feeling is due to the ionization of the air as the water and the air particles combine.  But that is too scientific, too analytical perhaps for the feelings of peace and tranquility that permeated the miles of almost empty sand, sea and sky.


Not only did

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The Definitive Journey

ECB-Cvr20080528.jpgFrom Enemy, Cripple, Beggar

The hero who searches for new paths in his heart and soul often lets hints and hunches guide him forward. Yet, he also needs to be equipped with courage to search beyond the boundaries of common ground and with humbleness towards the unknown that lies ahead of him. He must also carry a bagful of questions and concerns, curiosity and conflict, doubt and fear; “Every man hath the right to doubt his task, and to forsake it from time to time; but what he must not do is for

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The Promiscuity Papersir?t=wwwmalcolmclc-20&l=bil&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=1926715381The Promiscuity Papersir?t=wwwmalcolmclc-20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=1926715381 by Matjaž Regovec

Available Feb 14, 2011   Order Now 

The Promiscuity Papersir?t=wwwmalcolmclc-20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=1926715381
by Matjaž Regovec
ISBN 9781926715384, 90pp, Index, Bibliography, 2011

In The Promiscuity Papersir?t=wwwmalcolmclc-20&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=1926715381, archetypal roots of promiscuity are explored. In classical Greek and Roman mythology some promiscuous father figures may be found viz. Chronos (Saturn), and Zeus (Jupiter). Another form of Saturnian promiscuous dynamic is explored in the mythological figures of Oedipus and Antigone. This is followed by pres
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