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The Art of Love: The Craft of Relationship
A Practical Guide for Creating the Loving Relationships We Want
by Bud & Massimilla Harris

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Millions of books on relationships have been printed in the last ten years. Why do we need another one? We need The Art of Love: The Craft of Relationship for the same reasons that over four and a half million readers wanted Spencer Johnson's Who Moved My Cheese in a market that already
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Just Published by Fisher King Press . . .

The Art of Love: The Craft of Relationship

A Practical Guide for Creating the Loving Relationships We Want
by Bud and Massimilla Harris
ISBN 978-1-926715-02-5

The Art of Love: The Craft of Relationship presents the profound principles that form a loving relationship in an easily accessible manner. Using a deceptively simple approach, it will help people shift their attitudes and provide them with skills to create a loving, long-lasting partnership. There
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