Hi, everyone! I'm Sandy Nathan. I led the Book Club back in January with my book Numenon. I was just having fun reading the posts and articles on this site and thought you might enjoy an article I recently posted in my blog for writers, Your Shelf Life. 

Like many in our culture, I am obsessed with winning. I carried my obsession into my life as an author, entering book contests galore, and winning many of them. (I've got 22 national awards at this point.) Terrific, until I lost. That's when I really won by examining my experience.

This link will take you to What You Can Win by Losing It's written for my fellow writers, but every person working on his or her conscious awareness should find it valuable. The blog post contains an amazing, though incredibly embarrassing to me, true horse story about a time I lost big in the horse show arena. It's fun and funny. I found it very valuable. If painful.

All the best,

Sandy Nathan