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Part One of Two

Why does the classic song The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down continue to move us 45 years after The Band first recorded it?

The fact that so many people continue to debate its meaning online (see links at the end of this article) is a mirror of America’s ongoing uncertainty about the motives of the war’s opposing sides, of its resolution and of its meaning for our time. In other words, the war (and the Viet Nam war during which The Nightwas composed) is still not over.

In a mere th

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Dealing with Resistance to Dream Work

 “I don’t think I’ve ever sat down to do my inner work but that I’ve had to make myself do it. I may have to make myself get up and leave it a little bit later, I get so interested. The resistance is always there. Don’t pay any notice. Just go do it!” -Robert Johnson*


      I’ve kept a dream diary for forty-eight years, but most days I still find I have a great resistance to waking up and writing down the images that appear in my dreams each night. It occurred to me that my emotions go through K

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As a medical researcher at Harvard, Mark Shrime gets a very special kind of spam in his inbox: every day, he receives at least one request from an open-access medical journal promising to publish his research if he would only pay $500.

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Decisions Make The Soul...

We can hide from pain. A person told me, "I stayed in a  bad relationship because I could hide there. I didn't have to face what got me into it to begin with. I didn't have to face what kept me in it. I hid out so I didn't have the light I needed to get out and live my life."

CG Jung wrote, "There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by

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If the “outside,” as we in modern western cultures generally consider the physical world, is manifesting rather worrisome phenomena in the form of conflict, destruction of nature and home places, and racial and income inequality, we can draw a connection from what is occurring in the physical world to what must be occurring on an inner level, and therefore witness symptoms in the psychological realm as well.

The physical symptoms that are manifesting lie within a larger set of underlying issues,

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"Easter Island Monolith comes to Baltimore"
Sarah Doherty, an artist in Baltimore, created and installed a large replica of one of the monoliths
erected on Easter Island. Shown above is a picture I took of her and her work on the day of its installation.

Undamaged Side of Easter Island Monolith
Here is another shot of the monolith, with an interesting mural juxtaposed in the background.

Here is a quote from Carl Jung on why people create "stone idols with human features":

“Very early in history men began trying to express what they felt to be the soul or spirit of a rock by working
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Display in the Window of a Used Bookstore Evil Clown Looking Out of an Upstairs Window

A young woman posted a dream of hers to the internet, and I thought that it provided an interesting and provocative compliment to several of my images. What is depicted in the images above are sights that I happened to encounter while walking about Baltimore. Perhaps it is imagery like this that people chance to notice on the street  that is retained by their minds,  becoming  the raw material both for their dreams and for their nightmares. Below is the description that this person provided conc

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My previous posts have discussed various elements that provided me with terrapsychological insight during the early 1990s.  Today I will outline an experience that was more unusual than those I've previously recounted - a relationship with a kind of meditative mandala that seemed to open my consciousness to archetypal dimensions of the region where I live.  And synchronistically, it was this mandala that led to my most successful and influential project as a city planner, which I will discuss be

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A quote from Carl Jung on the subject of "masks":


The persona, for Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, was the social face the individual presented to the world—"a kind of mask, designed on the one hand to make a definite impression upon others, and on the other to conceal the true nature of the individual".

One wonders what Jung would have thought about the masks created by these veterans (see link below) as their intent in creating them was to reveal, rather than to conceal, aspects of their true natu

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Hope, not Hell: Musings on Therapy


When I was actively serving in the ministry, I leaned more to the Universalist side of Unitarian Universalism. Theologically, I was more drawn to the idea that Love overruled Thought, that universal salvation, the belief that no one is condemned to hell is better than some going and some not. It seemed a more humane position to take on the human condition. Mistakes could be made, even serious ones, and no one would die unredeemed. Life could be and was serious, painful, and difficult, and holdin

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Looking For God In All The Wrong Places...

People are looking to find their way spiritually. I used to believe that religious guilt and fear were the primary culprits in thwarting spiritual growth. Now, as I've treated hundreds of individuals who've freed themselves from oppressive religious pasts, I see that one thing really holds people back from spiritual freedom: inertia.

Religious nightmares bolt a stuck psyche out of inertia. A patient reported, "I've gone to the same old church, listened to the same old dogma, and it's where I've b

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As the year 1994 began I was prepared to translate the lessons I had learned from depth psychology into my work as a city planner in Saint Paul, Minnesota.  Perhaps the single most important lesson I had learned was to reframe the question that city planners first ask when embarking on a project.  That question had already evolved during the course of my lifetime in a positive way.  (Warning: Huge generalization coming.)  In my youth the question typically had been "What do experts think is the

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Coming Home: Writers/Media Day Thoughts

Words from Aaron Kipnis

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After receiving Pacifica’s first Ph.D., my heavily revised dissertation was published by Jeremy Tarcher, Inc. Knights Without Armor was well received and opened the doors to four more books: Gender War Gender Peace, What Women and Men Really Want, Angry Young Men and, most recently, The Midas Complex.  Many chapters, articles, films and speaking engagements also resulted from having had the good fortune to be supported by the radical academic fre

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