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At my request, someone emailed me a section from their in process autobiography. Curious and interested, I wanted to sniff the flavor of its essence and writing style. After reading a small, poignant selection of the author’s work, I responded hastily to what I’d read. In my response, I’d used the terms soul print, and soul imprint interchangeably. This term foreign to Ed its author, was frankly upon further reflection, also rather foreign to me. So, when he wrote back asking, “What is a soul pr

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I have recently begun a blog through WordPress for friends, ,patients and others who are not on DPA. However, I intend to feature it on DPA as well. Looking forward to your responses and interfacing with you about this and other things in the near future.

Our book Images of Soul: Reimagining Astrology will be released in Kindle form very soon through Amazon Books. 

I'm loving this crisp, fast, well directed Aries energy looming ahead. At least so far! How about you?



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Coming Home Newsletter Reflections

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Coming Home Newsletter

Reflections from the Chancellor

Dear Alums, These last weeks have opened something special at our School.  In addition to the many rewarding experiences in the classroom and the fulfilling interchanges in the hallways and on the grounds, our community hosted an extraordinary Alumni weekend, a beautifully attended book signing, guests from Brazil and Costa Rica, and yesterday an Informations Day at the Lambert

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Did Jung Break the Atheist Taboo?

"From the outside looking in, Jung's orientation appeared too mystical and religious, since he used these sources collective symbolism. This may have touched upon an atheist taboo." posted by pioneer in the comments section

I went off looking for Freud's refusal to travel out of town because one of his wealthy patents might get well in his absence quote and found this interesting page.

here is another example:

"Satanists, for example, te

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Freud and I


This is a public confession  -  since my undergraduate days when I first had to read Society and its Discontents, I gave Freud a big pass.  What I learned about his theory through a liberal education was enough for me to dismiss him.  His theories about everything being about sex, repressed sex, expressed sex, delayed sex, women envying men, all about the phallus, turned me off.  I never understood his claims that women, who could become pregnant from one fast sperm, incubate life for nine month

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What Carl Jung had to say about the leadership and characteristics of large groups of people would also seem to apply to social groups linked together by the Internet and bonded by religious causes such as Islamic Fundamentalism:

"There is no question but that Hitler belongs in the category of the truly mystic medicine man...since the time of Mohammed nothing like it has been seen in this world. This markedly mystic characteristic of Hitler is what makes him do things which seem to us illogical,
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This is a piece I wrote as a result of a personal dream analysis in light of my recent re-reading of "The Problem of The Puer Aeternus" - I thought I would share it even though it may well be a work in progress - I welcome feedback.

No Strings

The writer is a man in middle age who has worked as a depth psychotherapist for many years. He has done specialist focussed work, both group and individual with a variety of men, including those who have sex with men. He has had many encounters and relations

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The Dionysian Apollonian Dichotomy

The spirit has at least two significant attributes. It is amaterial. Second, it gives order to chaos/matter. Dionysos represents a part of the amaterial aspect of the spirit. Apollo  represents some part of that aspect of spirit which enters the material realm and gives order to matter/materiality. These are two aspects of the same phenomenon. They are not opposite tendencies at war with each other, as Nietzsche maintained but distinctive and purposive aspects of the Spirit that ultimately act i

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You Must Turn Back To The Simple Things...

How we complicate life. We razzle and dazzle others and ourselves and try to make thing harder and more complicated. Fact is, that life can be remarkably straight forward. There is that which nourishes and that which diminishes and destroys. We cultivate  one and let go of the other.

Trick is to find out which is which. A sincere soul commented, "Before getting into depth therapy I dreamed I was walking along a busy avenue with a hyper amount of foot street traffic. This guy came out of nowhere a

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Thurgood is Coming


A performance, written and played by Dr. Lenneal Henderson

Tuesday, February 24, 2015, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Pacifica Graduate Institute

Ladera Campus, Barrett Center


To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas’ Supreme Court Decision, Dr. Lenneal Henderson, a distinguished scholar, educator, playwright and actor, wrote Thurgood is Coming, a one-man play. Dr. Henderson will perform the role of Thurgood Marshall (1908-1993), who dedicated his l

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Analytic Talk Therapy Technique in Jeopardy


You better watch out as the control freaks are working over time to digitalize electric stoves radios clocks coffee pots et al.. They are not satisfied with having the capacity to record your conversations over the smart TV or the I phone I pad i pod android et al

Now who is going to come into the

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In my last post I related how I discovered the story of the Grand Excursion of 1854 and determined that it was an event that I had intuitively been seeking for years - an event that could be repeated in some sense during its 150th anniversary in 2004 as a way both to celebrate ten years of riverfront revitalization and heal some deep wounds to the psyche of the city of Saint Paul. And indeed, as soon as I made that proposal, it was immediately embraced by city leaders all the way up to the mayor

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"They find me a new and original spirit in that I proceed by analysis and not synthesis,i.e. I plunge into the depths and while analyzing every atom I search out the whole." Dostoevsky[1]

On the other hand Jung had to build his concept of wholeness from his empirical studies. Ergo Dostoevsky was able to place  psychological revelations into a detective story accessible to all. Whereas Jung formulated and built his ideas on wholeness in an intellectual construct which many find difficult to deciph

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Jung's empiricism

"They find me a new and original spirit in that I proceed by analysis and not synthesis,i.e. I plunge into the depths and while analyzing every atom I search out the whole." Dostoevsky[1]

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Romanyshyn Succeeds in Creating a Tender Hospitality

February 6, 2015



I look forward to enjoying the audio presentation of the conversation between Robert Romanyshyn and  Brian Tracy, as I was unable to attend last evening's webinar.  I read, with great interest, Mary Alice Long's blog reflections on the evening's discussion, noticing, not for the first time, that Robert's decades-long commitment to the work of soul in the world has inspired so many of us. Having recently found myself in the gre

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It was a delight to attend the 'Depth Psychology & Poetry' webinar yesterday . I haven't been in touch with Bob Romanyshyn [in the waking world] since 1994 when I finished my last re-search classes at Pacifica Graduate Institute. From 1991-4 Bob inspired me as Teacher and Writer. In my dream world, Bob Romanyshyn has often shown up over the course of the years.

Following the end of classes and the beginning of working on my doctoral dissertation in 1994, I received a dream--Bob Romanyshyn is play

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Here is the third Verse of The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down:

Like my father before me I will work the land

Like my brother above me who took a rebel stand

He was just 18, proud and brave, but a Yankee laid him in his grave

I swear by the mud below my feet, you can’t raise a Caine back up when he’s in defeat.

The ambiguity of the earlier stanzas continues: many people have heard the first line of this verse as “Like my father before me I’m a working man.” Still more: as Virgil sings of his dead bro

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I began the year 1994 with a sense of anticipation.  To summarize items discussed in my previous blog posts: After three years of learning from mentors to think terrapsychologically, I found myself with -

* An awareness that my city of Saint Paul, MN was strong on neighborhood-focused soul, but weak on having a strong sense of itself as a centered city with a healthy ego. (Thanks to Robert Sardello for that insight.)

* Recognition that Saint Paul's inwardness stemmed in part from its natural histo

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