Doorways to the Self

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This Video is a brief Introduction to my new book, "William James and C. G. Jung: Doorways to the Self," which will be published by Analytical Psychology Pre...

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  • Book Endorsement

    “Steven Herrmann is one of those rare individuals who can brilliantly bring intellectual prowess and visionary depth together in a graceful dance of prose and poetry. In this work he presents the many cross-overs and parallels between two similarly gifted thinkers, C.G. Jung and William James. A comparative study of these two giants of modernity is long overdue, and Steven Hermann is perfectly prepared to cover this match in all its splendor.”

    Murray Stein, Ph.D., author of Transformation: Emergence of the Self (1998), president of the International School for Analytical Psychology (ISAP) in Zürich, and past president of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP).


    Steven Herrmann offers each reader an intriguing journey through an open and curious exploration of human nature by two of the most influential psychologists of our times: the philosopher William James, Harvard professor and founder of American psychology, and C. G. Jung, who expanded our view of the psyche and the nature of the unconscious. Based on historical research and a nuanced reading of their works, Steven Herrmann elucidates their reflections on the streams of consciousness, psychophysics, pragmatism, pluralism, yoga, spiritual democracy, vocational dreams, synchronicity, transmarginal fields, and the Self.

    "Doorways to the Self" is not a mere metaphor but an invitation to recognize the living spiritual reality in every person. This book is an important contribution to the history of psychology in America and the influence of James on C.G. Jung as well as a fascinating exploration of what it means to be human.

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