Jeffrey Kiehl: “Wholeness & the Environmental Crisis”

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Climate Scientist and Jungian Analyst in conversation with Bonnie Bright about ways we can each reconnect with a sense of the numinous and with nature in our daily lives, and the benefits that process can provide. We also discuss the unique, experiential format for the upcoming experiential C.G. Jung Psychology and Spirituality Conference where Jeff is presenting in Santa Fe, NM, in June. Get a free written transcript of this interview at

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  • NEW: Download a PDF of a written transcript for this interview:

    Reclaiming a Sense Wholeness Amidst the Environmental Crisis —An Interview with Dr. Jeff Kiehl
    WATCH the INTERVIEW HERE (approx. 22 mins) or...  LISTEN/Download the AUDIO HERE DOWNLOAD a PDF of the written TRANSCRIPT ___________________________…
  • What a lovely interview, Bonnie. I was very interested to learn about this important conference that I'd known nothing about, but I was also reminded of the simple steps that we can all take to reconnect to the natural world. Jeff's comment that we don't need to be in a beautiful landscape to experience the beauty of nature; we can experience it in line at the grocery store was a terrific reminder. Also, I loved his words about putting ourselves in a state of vulnerability. Thanks to both of you for doing the work that you do.

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