Intro to the Soul-Centered Coaching Certificate Program with Dr. Bonnie Bright

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Introducing a 1-Year Certificate Program in Soul-Centered Coaching Psychology. This program is designed to deliver a foundation in aspects of depth psychology, transpersonal psychology, archetypal psychology and soul-centered coaching techniques, and includes personal coaching sessions that lead into monthly supervision for peer and client practicum phases. Comprised of 12 monthly themed modules plus one bonus module, each module consists of multiple facets, including on-demand video lectures, written transcripts, a customized curriculum including required and alternate readings, practice exercises and practical applications for clients, academic writing for integration, mentoring and more. Module topics include Jungian theory; myth, symbol, and story; dreamwork; shamanism; alchemy; indigenous perspectives; ecopsychology, and non-ordinary states of consciousness, to name a few. This program is led by Dr. Bonnie Bright, Ph.D. in Depth Psychology and Founder of Depth Psychology Alliance, and offered in conjunction with Depth Insights and the Institute for Soul-Centered Psychology and Coaching. Learn more, view a detailed brochure, or Inquire at

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