Intro to Using Typology: Dorene Mahoney and Shyrl McCormick via Depth Psych Alliance

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Jung’s theory of psychological types, published in 1923, was based on his research as a young psychiatrist at Burghölzli psychiatric hospital in Zürich. Over several years, he discovered universal, innate functions that all people draw on when they take in information and make decisions.He identified several personality types, based on 3 criteria: extraversion-introversion, sensation-intuition, and thinking-feeling. For example, he found that people either prefer sensation or intuition functions when they take in information, and they prefer either thinking or feeling functions when they make decisions.Also, individuals tend to be energized in one of two ways: extraversion (acting in the outer world) or introversion (reflecting in the inner world). Later, Isabel Briggs Meyer, a researcher and practitioner of Jung’s theory, added a 4th criterion of judging-perceiving.Understanding one’s innate preferences for experiencing life and making decisions is profoundly helpful in building self-acceptance, creating successful relationships and avoiding unnecessary conflicts.This class will help participants identify their unique gifts and mental patterns, as well as embrace the changes that the individuation journey requires of all of us as we age. Also provided will be insights about how to enjoy personality differences for a fuller experience of lifePresenter ProfilesShyrl McCormick MA is founder of Fearless Conversations ( She helps individuals and organizations to use knowledge of personality Type to communicate effectively, bridge differences, and relate empathically. As a trainer and facilitator, Shyrl generates fun and non-threatening conversations in which participants discover Ah-ha’s! about personality preferences, demystify classic assumptions, and learn to use differences to enhance relationships and decision-making. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) is the assessment instrument that expands on Jung’s seminal work on psychological types. Shyrl uses it to help people understand their preferences for taking in information and making decisions, as they also think through the diverse needs of othersDorene Mahoney MA is a coach who helps individuals identify their deepest aspirations and align their emotional, spiritual, physical and rational selves. Developing inner coherence awakens new ways of seeing, being and moving in the world that increase vitality and confidence for the future. Certified in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®), Dorene considers her clients’ preferences for taking in and using information to help them discover their strengths and unique calling. Her background includes 30 years of human resources leadership in business; decades studying shamanic traditions, including dream work and Active Imagination; and a Master’s degree in Depth PsychologyThis free intro class precedes a 6-week course led by Shyrl McCormick, MA and Dorene Mahoney, MA starting Feb. 2, 2017.REGISTER for the 6-WEEK COURSE starting Feb 2 (Early rates extended to January 18):

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  • Thank  you so much for this presentation ... I am fascinated by the topic ... I am looking forward to getting more engaged and to learning more, in the future .. I got a lot out of this video presentation ...

  • Really enjoyed this intro class. Are there any plans to run this course again? 

  • Catching up on the introduction now because I missed it.  I look forward to tonight.

  • Education Institution

    NEW!—For a limited time, get FREE ACCESS to an INTERVIEW on Typology with Jungian John Beebe, in conversation with Dorene Mahoney:

    Using Jung’s Typology to Navigate the Individuation Journey—6-Week Online Course
    ACCESS THE REPLAY OF THE INTRO CLASS Jung’s theory of psychological types, published in English in 1923, was based on his research as a young psychi…
  • Here is the 90-minute video for our FREE introduction to our 6-week class that is coming up on February 2nd. Get the Early Bird pricing by registering by midnight tomorrow (January 15). Shyrl and I hope to see you on February 2nd--we've got loads of great content to help you understand how the 8 function-attitudes are alive in YOU!
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