Education Institution
  • Mar 24, 2016 from 11:00am to 12:30pm PDT
  • Location: "Online or on the phone—Times listed are PST"
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

The purpose of this webinar will be to explore how a Jungian perspective on the climate crisis can not only shed light on why we are so reluctant to engage with the issue, but how we can use Jungian psychology to break through these barriers and actively engage in creating a more flourishing world.

This webinar is based on Dr. Jeffrey Kiehl's new book, Facing Climate Change: An Integrated Path to the Future, which will be available on March 1st. It will cover four dimensions of climate change:

  1. a look at the affective reactions associated with the news of climate change and the complexes connected to these affective reactions;
  2. an archetypal view of the climate change issue and how an understanding of the power of archetypes can help us address this issue;
  3. a reflection on how we can relate to our world in a deeper way, which allows us to see the sacredness in our everyday world; and
  4. the role of the religious function in providing us with a deeper ground from which we can create a flourishing future for all beings. I use personal story and myth to relate these concepts.

The lecture part of the event will use images and text to amplify the four dimensions of dealing with climate change. After the lecture I would like to engage the participants in a conversation around Jungian psychology and climate change.

Webinar participants will discover:

• How to view our current climate process as a manifestation of inner psychic processes

• How to use phenomenological processes to experience the sacred nature of the world

• How a transpersonal dimension is essential to fully addressing the climate crisis.

About the presenter:

Jeffrey Kiehl, PhD, MA is a Jungian analyst and a climate scientist. He is a senior scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado and an adjunct professor in the department of Earth & Planetary Sciences at UC Santa Cruz. He is also a senior training analyst at the CG Jung Institute of Colorado. He has published over 140 papers in peer-reviewed journals and is the author of Facing Climate Change: An Integrated Path to the Future. He has presented nationally and internationally on Jungian psychology as it relates to pressing world issues. He lives in Santa Cruz, California.

Learn more about Jeff and his work at the following links:

Suggested donation: $10 to help offset our cost


This webinar will take place on March 24th, 2016 at 6pm PST and will last about 90 minutes.


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  • Education Institution

    Hello Mr. Kiehl. I want to thank you for this thorough presentation. I find most people do not want to discuss this topic because of their complexes. When I hear the wealthy people spending $800 million on campaigns it just gets me depressed. In my surrounding area, the movement of permaculture is happening on a small scale. I arrived at the depth psychology arena merely, 7 yrs ago. I do what I can to spread the word about the importance of nature, but, feel like a fraud because I have to drive a car due to the area I live in. I am attempting to change my life to be part of the conversation in an authentic way.

  • Education Institution

    In light of this new story from the New York Times, this webinar is even more important...

    NYT: "Scientists Warn of Perilous Climate Shift Within Decades, Not Centuries"
    Climate scientists agree that humanity is about to cause an equal or greater rise in sea level, but they have tended to assume that such a large increase would take centuries, at least.
    The new paper argues that it could happen far more rapidly, with the worst case being several feet of sea-level rise over the next 50 years, followed by increases so precipitous that they would force humanity to beat a hasty retreat from the coasts.
  • Hoping this will be recorded.  

  • I am on the road March 24 and hope to have arrived and be ready to join for this webinar. I want to share a piece in advance, 'Drought Inside Out' along with the introduction to that post, 'high drought is a race to slow down', which includes note on Brendan Kelly's book (and planetary diagnosis) The Yin Yang of Climate Crisis. Very much looking forward to this, Jeffrey, Thank you. Megan

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