Education Institution
  • Jun 8, 2016 at 9:00am to Jun 29, 2016 at 11:00am PDT
  • Location: "Online or on the phone—Times listed are PDT"
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.” —Carl Jung


Jung had a secret book of his own understandings only recently shared with the public: The Red Book. He felt that anyone could make a “Red Book” of their own.


In this dedicated online 4-week experiential series, participants will be led by artist and psychotherapist, Nina Ross, PhD, to create a visual journal based on personal imagery, intuition, and active imagination. Through guided meditation, dreamwork, and discussion, we will tend to our personal creativity and our own rich inner worlds.


The group will meet online each week for two-hour sessions. Nina will guide the group via live video and participants will be encouraged to use their webcams in order to create a more intimate and connected group experience.

In this online experiential series, participants will:

  • Keep a written record of dreams and active imagination over a number of weeks
  • Keep a visual journal of dreams and active imagination
  • Jumpstart your creative process
  • Understand personal imagery
  • Share personal imagery with others


This is a 4-week online course starting June 8. It will run on

four Wednesday evenings, June 8-29.  4-6 pm U.S. PDT

Can't attend live? Each session will be recorded for all registrants and made available a day or two after the session.

Registration fees for four 2-hour sessions:

Alliance members: $149

Non members rate: $169

About the presenter:

Nina Ross (PhD, LPAT, and ATR) has a PhD. in the Psychology of Art from Union Institute. Nina is an artist, art therapist, and psychotherapist working from a Jungian perspective. She has led numerous workshops retreats, and classes at universities, retreat centers and conferences and has over 20 years of working with people through art. She aims to understand human behavior through imagination, dreams and myth. She is a gentle, experienced and patient guide through the mysterious realms of art and the psyche. In addition to her private practice in New Mexico, Nina is a mixed-media artist and published writer.


Meeting link and info will be emailed to you after you register, and a recording will be made available a day or two after each session.

This group will meet via the Zoom Meeting platform. For help in using Zoom, go HERE 



ARE YOU REGISTERED for the course and looking for the MEETING ACCESS info? Join the dedicated forum to see the access info for this course here. (Note: You MUST be signed in to the Alliance in order to see the "request to join" link for the forum.)

E-mail me when people leave their comments –

You need to be a member of Depth Psychology Alliance to add comments!

Join Depth Psychology Alliance


  • REMINDER: For all paid registrants of this course, please join the online written forum at

    Once your request to join is approved, you will be able to see all the info for live meeting access, homework assignments, recorded sessions, and introductions and comments by fellow participants.

  • Hello... I'm not finding the Forum Discussions page for the course.  Could someone please reply with a direct link to this page?  I'm starting to lose the will to live repeatedly opening pages that seem to loop into each other, but never showing the Discussions screenshot attached to the email.  

    Where is it hidden?

  • Hello Everyone,

    Your homework for tonight, if you missed the email, is to have a dialogue with your Soul. There are two voices: "me", and "Soul." Ask questions and discuss with your soul anything that is calling forth from your life now; any guidance you need, questions answered, issues discussed. As always when I suggest something, please take the suggestion and mold it towards what you need and your own style. You may want to take 20 minutes to 1/2 hr. for this, in a free writing style. Enjoy!

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