• Mar 9, 2012 from 11:00am to 1:00pm PST
  • Location: St. John's Episcopal Church
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

Art of Soul - Dante and the Divine Comedy

Join cultural historian and mythologist, Kayleen Asbo, for an ongoing exploration of one of the greatest literary masterpieces, focusing on the imaginal worlds that Dante created. Discover how this story has continued to inspire extraordinary painting, poetry, music, and sculpture throughout the ages.

With Botticelli, Dali, and Dore as companions, we will journey through the three realms of Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise to find how Dante's medieval vision is not just an allegory of spiritual experience, but a deeply moving and profoundly universal map of the human psyche, able to teach us how to transform suffering into wisdom and move towards joy, wholeness, and radiance.

Past participants have called this seminar "life changing" and "a revelation." This is a perfect introduction to Dante - a deep dive into the story through art, music, and personal reflection.

March 9th: FREE Open House - Introduction to Dante

The Inferno and Rodin's Gates of Hell

March 17: The Places We are Stuck

March 23: The Places Where We Fool Ourselves

March 30: Where Our Heart Grows Cold

Purgatory and Finding the Middle Way

April 13: On the Shores of Humility

April 20: Dreams and Visions as Guides

April 27: Walking Through the Fire for Love

Paradiso: Coming Home

May 11: Learning to Bear Beauty

May 18: Seeing Enemies as Teachers

May 25: The Love That Moves All Stars

Each Series: $50

Individual Drop-In Classes: $20

Entire Three Month Cycle: $135

*Two hours of community volunteer work may be substituted for tuition cost. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. If interested in volunteering, please contact Kayleen Asbo for details.

For more information, visit www.kayleenasbo.com

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