Education Institution
  • Jan 5, 2016 from 9:00am to 10:30am PST
  • Location: "online or on the phone"
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

We at the Alliance define Depth Psychology as the broad field of psychology that welcomes in what has been exiled from personal and collective consciousness.

How, then, do we apply what we’ve learned and take Depth ideas, practices and methods back into the world to promote healing in the culture?

On January 5th, Depth Psychology Alliance is hosting a community conversation about these important questions:

  • In what specific ways are you taking Depth Psychology into the world?
  • What challenges do you face in your efforts to discover your calling and express it in the world?
  • What support and resources might the Alliance offer that would make your efforts easier or more successful?

This event will be led by Alliance Board Member, Dorene Mahoney, M.A., accompanied by Audra Miller, M.A., Kim Hermanson, Ph.D., and Jennifer Selig, Ph.D.

What a terrific way start to 2016! Join us to discuss how we can surmount the challenges we each face in carrying out our calling, to learn and share ways to answer your own unique calling, and to better extend depth psychology in the world.

Please RSVP at top right if you plan to join us.

CLICK HERE to read bios for our panelists

ACCESS info for January 5 at 5pm PT:

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: (Zoom is easy to use! Just say "yes" to any questions you are asked when signing in to allow web connection and/or audio access).

We hope you will be willing to turn on your web cam if you have one to enable easier conversation--but it's not required, of course. Please come ready to share your stories, questions, or challenges related to extending depth psychology in the world.

You may also join by phone:

 +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
   Meeting ID: 678 711 749 
  International numbers available

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  • Yes I also hope it will be recorded.  Looks like a great event.  

  • Will the event be recorded? I will be working at that time ~:-(

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