• Aug 11, 2016 from 10:00am to 11:30am PDT
  • Location: "online via Zoom"
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

Invitation to all members, and especially if you are new to the Alliance! Join us for our next online Deep Meet and Greet: an ice cream social, a virtual cocktail party, a circle of new friends getting to know each other and meeting under the banner of inter-connectivity, desire for insight, and soulful community.

We hope you’ll join us August 11 at 5PM US PDT.

This will be an online event with a tinge of ceremony (for the sake of tending the space of conviviality we want to create), a sampling of depth content, and the shared voices of you and others that are new to this community, offering some soulful reflections on who you are and why you are here. We can’t wait to see who and what shows up!

Your hosts for this event are Donna May and Mark Sipowicz, both members of the Alliance Board. 

If you feel in the spirit of new, initial, arriving, connecting...then join us. 

Please RSVP at top right of this page so we know who to expect, and please come prepared to turn on your web cam if at all possible, so we can see each other in a more informal and intimate gathering, though of course this is not required.


Invitation from Depth Psychology Alliance

Topic: Deep Meet and Greet
Time: 6-6:30pm PDT

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/562862491

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16465588656,562862491# or +14086380968,562862491#

Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 562 862 491
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=Or8yB3iGwuTjR4YsLROHSgRPXCIKroCA

Note: All video web cams will be defaulted to OFF, but we welcome you to be prepared to turn them on so we can see each other for a more connected experience

E-mail me when people leave their comments –

You need to be a member of Depth Psychology Alliance to add comments!

Join Depth Psychology Alliance


  • As sickness is contagious, so can my concern for soul be infectious, taking soul into the houses of others, taking psyche into life. Then life, too—and not only analysis—becomes a valid place for soul-making. Psyche into life means also taking life as psyche, life as a psychological adventure lived for the sake of soul. 

    This is Hillman. Let's take and make soul into our Zoom call tonight. Look forward to seeing you all tonight at 5pm Pacific time.

  • Thanks for signing up for our Deep Meet and Greet. Looking forward to seeing all of you this Thursday evening!

    with soul,


  • I'm really looking forward to meeting y'all!

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