Education Institution
  • Oct 25, 2016 at 6:00am to Nov 3, 2016 at 10:00am PDT
  • Location: "free online recording, no times required"
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

One of the most fascinating elements of shamanism is the ability to communicate with nature, higher beings and other people at a distance.

Shamans understand that the higher communication we receive through shamanic methods can be used to access deeper knowledge and wisdom for our daily lives, as well as to positively shift challenging situations.

If you’d like to discover how to access levels of communication that go beyond the mind and body to engage your very soul…and if you want to learn how to open to sacred shamanic power to engage in higher octaves of communication with other beings — including power animals, guiding spirits and ancestors…

Join this special free online event:

On Tuesday, October 18, shamanic teacher Lynn Andrews will share secrets to enhance the depth and power of your communications during this FREE event, Discovering the Power of Shamanic Communication: 4 Sacred Practices to Access & Express Higher Wisdom Through Ceremony.


Lynn is a New York Times bestselling author of 20 books. She’s a skilled guide into the inner dimensions of ceremony, ritual and healing magic. During this special event with her, you’ll:

  • Understand 4 key shamanic tools (talking stick, prayer stick, sacred wheel, power animal)
    for profound communication
  • See how to communicate as “spirits adjoining” as an expression of Oneness
  • Find out how to balance the masculine and feminine energy within you while you enter into higher levels of communication

If you want to discover more about sacred shamanic communication — which provides profound ways of entering into the deeper intelligence of the universe and aligning with the “cosmic mind,” as well as being able to bridge time, space and dimensions to effect positive change...

This free audio recording took place in advance of Lynn's 7-week course starting November 3, 2016. Sign up to go to the page with the free download link.




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  • Education Institution

    Hmm. Not sure, Glenda. It's a normal mp3 file and it opened with no trouble for me when I double clicked it. Have you tried opening it in iTunes? Or double check to make sure it has the mp3 extension, and if it doesn't, maybe manually add or change it?

  • i can't open this file. It is coming up as a 'calendar file' and won't play on VLC which usually works for me.  any suggestions?

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