Education Institution
  • Jul 28, 2016 from 10:30am to 11:30am PDT
  • Location: "online or on the phone - Times listed are U.S. Pacific Time"
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021
Everyone has loving and wise ancestors, and by reaching out for their support we access tremendous vitality for personal and family healing. Our ancestors help us to clarify our destiny, important relationships, and work in the world. 
Attendees will learn ways to safely and directly engage family and older lineage ancestors for guidance, healing, and inspiration as well as practices to establish boundaries with the dead who are not yet at peace.  All experience levels welcome, including those with a troubled family or no knowledge of their ancestors. 

Daniel Foor, PhD is a  teacher and practitioner of practical animism who specializes in ancestral and family healing and in helping folks learn to relate well with the rest of the natural world. Daniel's doctoral research in psychology focused on the use of shamanic healing practices by clinical mental health professionals.

His focus on the ancestors sources from the guidance of his teachers in earth-honoring traditions, from his training as a doctor of psychology and clinical mental health professional, and from two decades of implementing the teachings of ancestor reverence in his own life. Since 2005 Daniel has guided hundreds of ancestor trainings, rituals, and talks throughout the United States and helped many others to reconnect with their family ancestors through personal sessions. His book, Ancestral Medicine: Rituals for Personal and Family Healing, will be available in 2017.

This free, open to all talk and discussion will be held on the Zoom platform. To join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android just follow this link:
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll):  
+14086380968,489309510# or 
Or Telephone:
    Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
    Meeting ID: 489 309 510
    International numbers available:
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  • I was unable to listen at the time of the broadcast and really wish this could have been saved to listen to later. Hope you do another one very soon!!!

    Emmi Harrell

  • Daniel, I would love to attend, very interesting topic, but I am teaching a class at 7pm MT (6PT). I always include and invite ancestors in my work with people, however in a possibly naive way. Would you let me know if this type of event happens again? My email is Thank you!

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