• Mar 23, 2014 from 3:00am to 4:00am PDT
  • Location: Online
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021
Bill Plotkin joins Terry Patten on Beyond Awakening for “Beyond Apocalypse vs. Utopia: The Soul Opportunity of Our Time”. Bill is a depth psychologist, wilderness guide, and author—and a powerful and inspiring voice for the soul of natural places and creatures and for the parts of the human soul that are interwoven with the soul of the natural world. Listen in as Terry and Bill explore the centrality of the soul to our current crisis and our opportunities for cultural and spiritual evolution.On Sunday, March 23rd, at 10 am PST, Terry and Bill will explore a number of big questions: What is emerging today at the leading edge of human transformation? Is our current, planetary crisis leading only to disaster? Has humanity gone terribly wrong? Or might this be a late phase of an evolutionary opportunity whose outcome is as yet entirely uncertain? If we are faced now with a definitive evolutionary opportunity, how might we fully meet this opportunity?You'll be able to participate with questions toward the end of the dialog.If you sign up for it first, you can listen to the interview live on Sunday, March 23rd at 10am Pacific, 11am mountain, noon central, 1pm eastern (you can unsubscribe at any time) or you can download it later. Copy this link to your browser to register: http://beyondawakeningseries.com/featured/bill-plotkin.phpYou'll also gain access to over 50 others dialogs, in which Terry -- along with thought leaders including Dan Brown, Kenneth Folk, Ken Wilber, Lynne Twist, Daniel Siegel, Ram Dass, and Joanna Macy -- earnestly explores the pivotal questions of our times.Bill Plotkin, Ph.D., is a depth psychologist, wilderness guide, and agent of cultural evolution. As founder of western Colorado's Animas Valley Institute in 1981, he has guided thousands of women and men through nature-based initiatory passages, including a contemporary, Western adaptation of the pan-cultural vision quest. Previously, he has been a research psychologist (studying non-ordinary states of consciousness), professor of psychology, psychotherapist, rock musician, and whitewater river guide.
Bill is the author of Soulcraft: Crossing into the Mysteries of Nature and Psyche (an experiential guidebook), Nature and the Human Soul: Cultivating Wholeness and Community in a Fragmented World (a nature-based stage model of human development through the entire lifespan), and Wild Mind: A Field Guide to the Human Psyche (an ecocentric map of the psyche for healing, growing whole, and cultural transformation). He has a doctorate in psychology from the University of Colorado at Boulder.Copy this link to your browser to register or get info to listen later: http://beyondawakeningseries.com/featured/bill-plotkin.php
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  • I think maybe we had so many Alliance members register for this event the same morning that they couldn't keep up with getting back to us. Anyway, it's exciting to see so many of us are interested in the topic. It's so critical for our time.

    Aleksandar, I really appreciate your observations and comments (below). You ask some hard (but valuable) questions. Just a couple of quick thoughts: 

    I believe we are all complicit in what is happening to our (now pretty much global) culture, meaning the way that we consume and the way that we treat the planet in general. I was having a this discussion with someone recently who immediately invoked Monsanto as the great evil because they produce genetically modified foods and also herbicides which may be decimating the bee population. In order to point out that we all are complicit in the issues we are facing, I gently suggested if she eats corn, she is probably eating a Monsanto product. Her response? "I hardly ever eat corn!"

    Anyway, someone needs to ask these questions if we are ever going to come to greater consciousness, and that is our only hope in my humble opinion. Your point about "racism" is well-taken. I actually think of it as entitlement and privilege. Much of the talk in the climate change arena is about how developing and third world countries will take (and are already taking) the brunt of the consequences of climate change and ecocide. They are typically poor and only put out a small portion of greenhouse gases compared to countries like the U.S. and those in Europe. And they don't have all the things that make most of our lifestyles so enjoyable on a daily basis. Our culture has evolved as such to make it hard to be impacted by other people's suffering, especially when they are "out of sight, out of mind."

    A great book I recommend is "Constructing America, Constructing the Self" by Philip Cushman. He addresses how consumerism was literally pushed on us (America--but extending to all "western" cultures which includes a growing portion of the world overall) after World War II, and how psychology itself is a form of it, especially as psychotherapy is often only available to those who are financially privileged and in most cases, caucasian. It's quite an eye-opener....

  • "Please note that your access information for each dialogue will only be emailed to you around a week before the dialogue is scheduled to take place." http://beyondawakeningseries.com/blog/schedule

    Anyway, the majority of people active here are white people from America, Europe, and Australia. Is it some kind of subtle racism taking place or other people have other priorities in life? Does the least sustainable part of humans have the right to contemplate sustainability? How is one supposed to leave his/her silo and, while surrounded by all those teachers, lawyers, politicians, entrepreneurs, or whatever do something that matters? Ho3w can one understand "sustainability" and "saving lives"? Why do terrorists hate us? I or someone else for me needs to take away life just to eat. Thousands or even millions of ants have died when your home was built (Is your protection fro rain and wind (or just prestige) really so important?). Where is the threshold when you will say: "I can't stand it anymore, I must do something about it."? Is it for instance when you find out that a piece of your clothes or a gadget in your hands is made by (debt) slaves? Ho will you invite other people (and convince them and yourself) to join your cause? It's much easier to break a thing (destroy the environment, torture, start a war, pump muscles in Ukraine...) than to make it and extremists among us are aware of that.

  • Hey everyone. So sorry to hear about the access issues today! I found and posted the event literally while I was on a plane waiting to take off for a 10-hour flight and only landed to discover the problems with great dismay.

    On the other hand, I'm so grateful to see all the pro-active posts trying to solve the issue, and especially the post from Tony Stowers (below) which lists the link to the replay. What a wonderful example of community in action as everyone reached out.

    On looking, I didn't receive the access info either--but when I dug around in initial confirmation the email I DID receive, there was a link to the archives. I followed that and found the link--perhaps it was the same process as Tony followed too.

    So again, here's the link to replay. Hope you can find time to listen: http://app.box.com/shared/static/zgcvn79k5pt5s49fyzlo.mp3

    Sorry for the inconvenience for those of you who logged on for the live and couldn't get in, but on a personal note, Bill Plotkin was one of the first and most amazing people who gave me exposure to depth psychology many years ago so it's exciting that we have access to his vast wisdom with the click of a button.

    Once you listen, please feel free to post any comments here. It would be great to have a group discussion about the interview....

  • At about 30 minutes after the program was scheduled to begin I got an email with the connection link. It worked but I had other things that conflicted. 

  • Here is the link to the audio file


  • Same problem in getting to seminar.

  • If anyone figures out how to link to the seminar, please comment
  • I can't connect to link. Where is it to listen?

  • me, too. Can't find where to link to in order to hear teleseminar.

  • How do I get past the page that asks me to invite friends.
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