Education Institution
  • Sep 29, 2013 from 6:00am to 7:00am
  • Location: on the phone
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

The right way to wholeness is made up of...fateful detours & wrong turnings. It is a lentissimo via, not straight but snakelike, a path that unites the opposites in the manner of the guiding caduceus, a path whose labryrinthine twists & turns are not lacking in terrors ~ C.G. Jung, Psychology & Alchemy

Kabbalah means "to receive" and The Tree of Life is a mandala which reveals the flow and movement of feminine & masculine energy from the divine to earth & back to the divine. It is the Tree of Life & of Knowledge, a magical key to how life, the cosmos & psyche are revealed within time & space.

The cross, the star, the symbol of the Tao all live in the heart of the tree symbolizing  life, the union of heaven & earth, spirit & matter. It also represents the center, meeting the divine in the human heart, with arms extended out into the four directions. 

Join Alliance member Eva Rider & Colleen Russell as they explore the many symbols imbued in tree & how Jung's work on alchemy & Marion Woodman's BodySoul work can be depicted through symbols of the tree. 

Eva Rider MA, MFT is a Jungian Oriented psychotherapist in Santa Cruz in private practice since 1997. She was an adjunct Instructor at JFK University teaching classes in Jungian Theory, Dreamwork, Alchemy, & Myth and where "Jung, Alchemy & The Tree of Life" was born. 

As a group & workshop facilitator, Eva incorporates Dream work, Expressive Arts & BodySoul Rhythms as taught by Marion Woodman, Mary Hamilton and Ann Skinner. Eva holds a BA from McGill University in Montreal in European History and an MA in Clinical Psychology from JFKU.

Eva is certified as a Hypnotherapist, Movement-Expression Teacher & SoulCollage® Facilitator. She has completed the Marion Woodman Leadership Training in 2007 & teaches classes incorporating dreamwork with fairytale, myth & her continuing exploration into Jung, alchemy & the hermetic tree of life.


When: Sunday, 9/29, 1pm PST

How: Please RSVP at right on this page and use the following access info:

Dial in: 1 424-203-8405  Access Code 907006#

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Map of Psyche

Hermetic Tree of Life

Johfra Image

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