This Saturday - Jung, Creativity, and the Arts
A Free Online Class Saturday, February 26th!
“It makes no difference whether the artist knows that his work is generated, grows and matures within him, or whether he imagines that it is his own invention. In reality it grows out of him as a child its mother. The creative process has a feminine quality, and the creative work arises from unconscious depths - we might truly say from the realm of the Mothers”
~ C.G. Jung (Jung, CW 15, par. 159).
Why are some artistic people endlessly productive, creative, and successful while others may labor on their creative work in obscurity, or be driven to madness? Why does culture fail to recognize some great artists until long after their deaths, while celebrating some living artists who have lesser gifts?
Join us on Saturday, February 26th for this free class on Jung, Creativity, and the Arts. We will explore these questions and more, and look at the relationship between creativity and the individuation process, creativity and psychotherapy, and the connection between art, symbol, and the collective unconscious. In addition, we’ll discuss Jung's understanding the arts and artists.
If you would like to go ahead and register for the full, eight week college-level course on Jung, Creativity, and the Arts, beginning on March 5, 2022, you may do so at this link: Depth Psychology Academy. Use the coupon code: dpa15 to receive a 15% discount!
Click here to register now for the free class!
Click here to register for the full 8 week course!
Additionally, to kick-off our focus on creativity and the arts, the Alliance hosted a free online concert last week-end, featuring Alliance director James Newell, performing his own original blues and americana compositions, as well as some renderings of the poetry of Persian poet Hafiz of Shiraz put to original music. The concert was well attended and well received. If you missed the concert, you can view the replay through this link: