Jung and Relationships an eight week college level course
Jung and Relationships an eight week college level course
This course is an ideal resource for anyone interested in learning more about a Jungian approach to human relationships. We’ll look at romantic relationships, family relationships, work relationships, and relationships on a broader, cultural level. In addition to Jung’s key ideas on the anima and animus, we’ll look at the phenomenon of projection as a type mystification, enchantment, or trance state which can cause multiple problems and challenges when interacting with others. We’ll explore how such states of mind often introduce unresolved early family dynamics into our present day interactions.
The full course includes one free class plus eight modules with resources and further learning opportunities available through our online learning platform, www.depthpsychologyacademy.com. Students who successfully complete all of the assignments in the online learning platform will earn a certificate of completion.
Attendees may also simply audit the course,
without needing to complete assignments for credit.
Click here to register for the free class!
Click here to enroll in the full eight week college-level course!
“On a low level the animus is an inferior Logos, a caricature of the differentiated masculine mind, just as on a low level the anima is a caricature of the feminine Eros.”
~ Carl Jung, Commentary on the Secret of the Golden Flower, Par. 60.
For many people, one of the most challenging areas of life is interpersonal human relationships. Whether it is family relationships, romantic relationships, work relationships, community relationships, or international relationships between governments, human beings are social animals and human relationships mean everything to us. Moreover, as Carl Jung is said, “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed” (Modern Man in Search of a Soul, p. 49). The focus of this course is romantic relationships, especially relationships between men and women, however, we will touch on all manner of human relations in one way or another. Beginning with the phenomenon of psychological projection, and the process of individuation, we’ll look at Jung’s theory of the anima/animus and how Jung’s work can be related to such ideas as a imago theory, Bowen’s family systems theory, and other approaches to working with human relationships.
Click here to register for free introductory class!
Click here to enroll in the full eight week college-level course!
Participants will take part in eight weekly classes, plus one free introductory class
Start time for each live event is 1pm Pacific Time (4pm Eastern Time) 90 min
(Each class will be recorded for future viewing)
Free! – Jung and Relationships:Introduction – Free! – March 29th
Module 1: Anima and Animus: The Syzygy – April 5th
Module 2: Anima and Animus in Myth – April 12th
Module 3: Mystification and Enchantment in Relationships – April 19th
Module 4: Mystification and Enchantment in Families – April 26th
Module 5: Sibling Relationships – May 3rd
Module 6: Attachment in Relationships – May 10th
Module 7: Privacy, Secrets, and Healthy Boundaries in Relationships – May 17th
Module 8: Relationships in Culture – May 24th
After successfully completing this course participants will:
- Have a basic understanding of Jung’s theory and how it relates to human relatedness.
- Understand the basics of psychological projection and mystification.
- Have a basic understanding of Jung’s idea of the anima and animus in romantic relationships.
- Have a basic understanding of how early family patterns impact current day relationships.
- Discover a wealth of resources related to Jungian and other psychological understandings of relationships.
- Learn how Jungian ideas might help us to function optimally in romantic relationships.
- Learn how Jungian ideas might help us to function optimally in family, work, and other social relationships.
- Have an opportunity to complete a series of online assignments toward earning a certificate of completion through the Depth Psychology Academy.
Can't attend live? Each class will be recorded and made available to all registrants.
About Your Instructor
James R. Newell, PhD
Vanderbilt University
James Newell is an educator, counselor, personal coach, professional musician, and the director of the Depth Psychology Academy and the Depth Psychology Alliance. James earned his master’s degree in Pastoral Counseling and Theology from Vanderbilt University Divinity School, with a focus on Jungian psychology. He earned his doctorate in History of Religions from the Vanderbilt University Graduate School of Religion. James has taught online courses in world religions for Central Michigan University, Excelsior College, and other schools. For the past several years he has been developing a certification program in depth psychology offered through the Depth Psychology Academy.
General Public:
Depth Psychology Alliance Members receive a 15% discount:
$212.00 when you use the discount code: dpa15
Click here to register for the free class!
Click here to enroll in the full eight week college-level course!