  • Sep 18, 2014 from 11:30am to 1:00pm PDT
  • Location: Time is 9:30 AM PST, 12:30 EST, or 6:30 Central European TIme (Berlin, Zurich)
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021


Narcissistic Wounding and the Mystery of the Holy Grail

Exploring narcissism through the myth of the Holy Grail. An online workshop with Jungian analyst Kenneth Kimmel

On behalf of Stillpoint Spaces I would like to invite you to join us online on Thursday the 18th of September at 6.30pm CEST (9:30 PT, 12:30 ET) to explore the myth of the Holy Grail as a narrative about narcissism. Leader of this exploration is Kenneth Kimmel, a renowned Jungian psychoanalyst and author of the critically acclaimed book, Eros and the Shattering Gaze: Transcending Narcissism.

The thirteenth century Grail Legend of Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach tells of a young knight’s quest to reunite with the Fisher King and heal his wound. From one perspective, it stands as a powerful Western metaphor for men’s transcendence of narcissism, entrapment in the mother complex, and depression.

Parzival’s trial mirrors contemporary man’s encounter with the shadow that wounds his grandiosity. Deeper truths are revealed that expose the shame he must endure to heal his heart, learn to love, and become a man both humble and resilient.

These ideas are presented through lecture, powerpoint imagery, and case presentation, based upon excerpts from Ken's book, Eros and the Shattering Gaze -Transcending Narcissism (Fisher King Press, 2011). Ample time for questions and discussion will follow.9142686878?profile=original

Please note that this is an expert lecture and prior knowledge about psychoanalysis or narcissism is essential. The duration of this workshop is 90 minutes. It will include a lecture with presentation and discussion. It will take place over Fuze ( and the registered participants will receive detailed meeting information by e-mail.

To partake in this workshop please register on the web ( or email if you have any further questions.

WHEN: Time is 9:30 AM PST, 12:30 EST, or 6:30 Central European TIme (Berlin, Zurich). Click here for a Time Zone converter

Stillpoint Spaces is an online community for creative psychology and counselling online. We provide online in-depth counselling services and psychoanalytically informed workshops. We strive to re-introduce psychoanalysis in new settings.


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  • Will there be a recording of this event afterward that we can access?

  • Fully booked?  WTF?  It looks as though the grail hath been filled to the brim...

  • Yes, I would also love to hear a replay. Perhaps you could get permission from the publisher, as it would support book sales.

  • Will there be a recording of this event afterward that we can access?

  • I'm sorry I won't be able to listen in; I hope you give this again!

  • This sounds like an incredible seminar, I'm sad to hear that it's booked up. Enjoy!

  • Organization

    The event is fully booked now, thank you for your interest.

  • Organization

    Unfortunately not, Jane. The event will feature some content of Ken Kimmel's book and due to the restricted permission of the publisher we are not allowed to record this time.

  • Will the event be recorded? I would love to participate, however, I have commitments at that time.

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