Education Institution
  • Jan 23, 2016 from 2:00am to 3:00am PST
  • Location: "on the phone—times listed are PST"
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

Shape-shift your way into wild creativity & world-changing solutions!

Are you ready to break out of stagnant old realities and shape-shift your way into ever-more freedom and wild creativity? 

If so, it’s time for the “Trickster” to work its magic in your life and turn you into the enlightened change agent you were meant to be.

On Saturday, January 23, visionary astrologer Caroline Casey will present a FREE online event: Trickster Medicine: Liberating ourselves to liberate the World (at this time of Dire Beauty). 


Caroline, who’s known as one of the world’s great “magic makers,” has been at the forefront of new-paradigm spirituality as well as in the trenches of Washington, DC politics since she was a child. She’s a highly sought-after teacher for her astrological wizardry, brilliant mind, social commentary, and depth of mythological knowledge — a dazzling combination! 

During this one-hour virtual “frolick,” Caroline will take you on a deep dive into the power of the Trickster energy so you can... 

  • Understand why the Trickster is key to your spiritual liberation and the liberation of our world, especially in times that are heavy and hard
  • Become a more effective changemaker by metabolizing the poisons of life and the world with a light heart
  • Discern the difference between the Con-Man and the Trickster (the latter liberates us from the former)
  • Find language that liberates you from old habits and opens you to a zestier experience of life.

When you ally with Trickster, you free up the evolutionary life force within you. You put down the burden of black-or-white, good-or-bad thinking and dance through the dueling dualisms to find the coherent whole at the heart of any moment. 

Whether you’re a spiritual seeker, a veteran activist, or a curious evolutionary, you’ll delight in the ways that Caroline illumines a path to your true Self and a more magical world. 

This event is hosted by The Shift Network. Please direct all questions to them. (They usually do offer a recording to all registrants)

RSVP for this free event here

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  • How do I get this on my computer?

  • I don't see the phone number listing? Can someone direct me to it? Thanks!

  • If an audio is available, would be really grateful. Timings, power cuts and uncertain net connectivity do not permit active participation. Thanks.

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