• May 9, 2015 from 4:00am to 5:30am PDT
  • Location: "online or on the phone - Times listed are Pacific Time"
  • Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2021

THIS EVENT IS OVER. Click here for the REPLAY of this event

Join us for an exciting inquiry into the field of depth psychology!

As an Alliance member, you already have some unique concept of what depth psychology is and why it is meaningful and relevant in the modern world.

Depth psychologist, educator, and Alliance boardmember Craig Chalquist PhD notes that depth psychology, from the German Tiefenpsychologie, was coined by Swiss psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler to refer to “psychoanalytic approaches to therapy and research that take the unconscious into account.”(http://www.terrapsych.com/depth.html)

The unconscious reveals itself to us through dreams, art, nature and story; through somatic urges, bodily symptoms and events taking place in the world around us. It is revealed in patterns, symbols, archetypes, and mythological forms.

As Jung wrote, “The decisive question for man is: Is he related to something infinite or not? That is the telling question of his life. Only if we know that the thing which truly matters is the infinite can we avoid fixing our interest upon futilities and upon all kinds of goals which are not of real importance. . . . In the final analysis, we count for something only because of the essential we embody, and if we do not embody that, life is wasted” (MDR, 1989, p. 325)

About the Event
This exclusive event for Alliance members includes the premiere of a 22-minute video created by Alliance boardmember James Newell,  “Introduction to Depth Psychology,” followed by a live panel discussion, “What is Depth Psychology?” with board members of Depth Psychology Alliance and including a Q&A with the Alliance community.

We will also touch on future plans for Depth Alliance and invite discussion about how to bring additional value to our members.

This will be the first of an ongoing series of community events that enliven and expand on the topic, “What is Depth Pyschology—Now and in the Future?”

How It Works
A link to screen the video will be posted at 11am PDT on Sat, May 9 so all participants can watch it via our own computers at essentially the same time. While viewing, you are encouraged to log responses, comments and questions via the text chat on Depth Psychology Alliance.

At 11:30 PT, we will start the live panel discussion, accessible by clicking a link to GoToWebinar.

Panelists: Bonnie Bright, Craig Chalquist, Jesse Masterson, Donna May, James Newell, Brent Potter, Eva Rider

About the Filmmaker
James Newell PhD earned his doctorate in Critical Theories of Religion from Vanderbilt University after completing his MA in pastoral counseling/theology from Vanderbilt University Divinity School.

In addition to being a boardmember for Depth Alliance, James is a vocalist, entertainer and songwriter with interests in jazz, blues, folk and world music. He has worked with a variety of blues greats including John Lee Hooker, James Cotton Jr. Wells, Hubert Sumlin, Big Joe Turner and The Fabulous Thunderbirds.

James currently teaches online religious studies courses for Excelsior College and Thomas Edison State College and continues to work as a performing vocalist, guitarist and songwriter, appearing locally and internationally

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  • JD Stephen: WOW! and huge congratulations. Good for you!—and not to worry, we've just set another installment for June 20 so maybe you will have another shot at it. Meanwhile, look in the Videos section and you can access the replay of the first one you missed if you find the time.

  • Just got married.. Guess cannot think of more positive reason. Etc..hope conference on Definition of Depth Psych did not wonder too far from the fact that it is the expression of the Intuitive type therapy..and by thus definition not every bodies cup o tea.
  • Thanks Bonnie,
    Up the wall as they say here!
    Positive reason too. So all is good.
    Will catch up later.
    All the best
  • In case you missed this event, you can find the replay in the Video Library here in the community

    What Is Depth Psychology? Panel Discussion with Depth Psychology Alliance Board & Community
    This online panel discussion hosted by Depth Psychology Alliance board members included the premiere of a 22-minute video created by Alliance boardme…
  • Hi everyone! We'll be posting a link to listen to the replay of the panel discussion later today. Meanwhile, in case you haven't had a chance to watch the video, here's the link

    Congratulations James on making such an aesthetic and informative video, which best of all, makes the topic accessible. As we said on the call, this was a wonderful doorway into a more in-depth discussion about depth psychology, and we're hoping as a board that Alliance members will be inspired to make their own video or create other projects geared toward getting depth psychology out there more!

  • J.D. Stephen: You make a good point about the "value of defining Depth Psychology"—I think that is a critical aspect of just such a discussion that we would like to have. Should/can it be defined, and to what end..? Hope you'll come just to pose it and see where it goes...

  • Not denying the interest this evokes within me, via the concept, clinical application of Jungian analysis and objectives of Depth psych' I am left with the importance of its application and outcome.
    Working with the clinically suicidal I am offered various 'methods' or modes within which to operate. Most of which seem to be accepted by (in this case the health Service executive) as a standard systems approach. They do lend themselves to an administrative accountability thus curry favour in the corodors of beaurocracy.
    Defining Depth Psychology may follow this 'standardising' route, or maybe an intellectual pursuit per se.
    I am in the process of writing a book for the ordinary guy out there based upon clinical experience of applying jungian understanding of the psyche in a down to earth way. It's purpose is to offer insight, help people see what's needed to make that temporary re adjustment we call healing.
    I am uncertain of the value of defining Depth Psych' per se....when in essence it is but a collection of concepts to bring about healing within our present western culture.
    Thus my hesitation to participate. ...
  • Education Institution

    Hi Claire and everyone. We're hoping for lots of live support during the event, but totally understand that there will be conflicts with the timing. We will do our best to record the audio and make it available a few days after for those who can't attend.

  • Hello ~ I would very much like to attend, but may be at a track meet with my daughter at that time. Will it be possible to listen to the discussion at a later date?

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