
Deepest thanks for you heartfelt letters...I am sorry that I can only set down these dry words, but the shock I have experienced is so great that I can neither concentrate nor recover my power of speech. I would have liked to tell the heart that you have opened to me in friendship that two days before the death of my wife I had what one can only call a great illumination which, like a flash of lightning, lit up a centuries-old secret that was embodied in her and had exerted an unfathomable influence on my life. I can only suppose that the illumination came from my wife, who was then mostly in a coma, and that the tremendous lighting up and release of insight had a retroactive effect upon her and was one reason why she could die such a painless and royal death.

The quick and painless end-only five days between the final diagnosis and death-and this experience have been a great comfort to me. But the stillness and audible silence about me, the empty air and infinite distance are hard to bear. ~Carl Jung letter to Erich Neumann on November 27, 1955.

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  • This is a fascinating and moving letter. I continued to be utterly intrigued by Jung the man, his work, and his life. Thank you for another cherished piece of it.

    Regards, Judie Harte

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