The three attached documents were drafted by Dorene, who did a great job capturing all the necessary aspects, in response to ideas that Gary shared with me in a conversation in October.
These are 1-page summaries of three potential “signature” experiential events the Alliance could host on a recurring basis, for which the Alliance could become known and recognized.They include:
1) a weekly dream group,
2) a weekly book group, and
3) Dinner & Depth (plus the Deep Meet & Greet, which is already off to a great start, of course).
The goal would be to host these regularly and offer them for free. The hosts for each could alternate, of course, and while it would make sense to start with the Board and Volunteers to see who would like to take part, we can also identify qualified folks from the community and set up a calendar for several months in advance.
Those hosting the dream group would have the opportunity to find one-on-one clients, and perhaps pay a small finder's fee to the Alliance if they come from the group, or authors could show up to do the book group and promote their own book if they choose--though anyone should be able to focus on any book.
Dinner & Depth could be anyone talking about their work for 20-30 minutes--or presenters or interviews on any depth topic-- followed by "open lines" for community discussion where-ever the conversation goes.
These documents are a work in progress, so please share your thoughts, and if anyone wants to host any of them, let's put it on the calendar and see what happens.

Event Proposal--Book Club-DMdraft.docx

Event Proposal--Dream Sharing-DMdraft.docx

Event Proposal--MeetGreet-DinnerDepth-DMdraft.docx

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  • This feels energetically strong to me--both in my intuitions for the Alliance and my own energy. The whole concept and intension feels good. Just some question regarding quantity and schedule. Is the initiative, with these three signature events, then three hours a week every week going forward? Perhaps fine and worth testing for a few months, but it feels slightly like it could defuse energy of each to offer all three. But maybe not! Just offering this reflection.

    Also, I am by the way, game for hosting any of the three signatures at some time. All have energy for me personally. 

    Fantastic visioning and interweaving of different toned containers for community and content. 


    • Good questions, Mark--and thanks for being willing. I think the idea is that these need to be processed in the Experience committee and a process and timeline determined. 

      Personally, I think if they are drop-in, weekly might be OK because they are each quite different and we may get different audiences for each of the three events (some people will want dreams, some to discuss books, and some to listen to lectures/presentations/interviews followed by the chance to discuss).

      We may also get different people for the same initiatives from week to week as people are available or not--but I suspect a few will be regulars who would stabilize the consistency of the groups.

      Just my two cents. We can have more discussion on the Board call tomorrow but other comments welcomed here, too!

  • Great!

    How do we sign up to do these? For example, I'd be happy to show up to discuss (be interviewed about) Jung and myth, especially Gnostic myth.

    • Just thinking: Maybe we should find a program manager for each of the three groups who could find facilitators or presenters and schedule them a few months out--maybe quarterly? If no one on the board can (or wants to) do it, these program managers could volunteers from the community....

    • Craig, as you know by now, we've been discussing processes in some detail over the past few days so we can figure out how people can indicate interest or commit to doing one of these. For those of you who haven't (yet) been privy to those discussions, we'll have more time in the Board Call Friday. See you there!

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