
  • Here is a questionnaire I developed for individuals who want to present a webinar, class, or course on the Alliance. It's long and detailed, but essentially contains all the info we need to develop, describe, market, and produce such an event.

    Maybe it would be better done in a live interview process for serious candidates by a dedicated staff or board member, and more especially for presenters who are more established with their own followings and who are less tech-centric.

    QUESTION: Do we need to hire a contractor who might work for a profit share to manage educational programs? That person could conduct an interview, then manage the process of producing the event with help from me. Perhaps they could also be trained to facilitate the actual Zoom event. Would appreciate your feedback on any/all of this.


    • I think so. You'll need a tech person anyway, so they might as well manage this too.

  • Education Committee Meeting

    September 25, 2015


    In attendance: James, Craig, Jeff, Bonnie, Eva




    Maybe we can call for a volunteer to help us look into CEUs; Jeff may be able to recommend a colleague who helped the Denver Jung Society get set up. Donna, though she has opted out of the Ed Comm, may be willing to offer whatever info she has found in recent weeks on the topic.



    In this way, the Alliance can become a destination for everyone who wants to find a topic in depth psychology

    We will need support in the form of

    1) Engineer to host/facilitate webinars for presenters using Zoom,

    2) Someone to help us register, track attendees, and manage the profit share with presenters

    3) Outreach to potential presenters in the form of a 1-sheet or web page that outlines the opportunity and that calls for action

    4) Marketing, marketing, marketing to fill the events

    Boardmembers can reach out to their own networks and submit potential names/topics

    Some orgs such as churches, undergrad programs, etc. may offer large populations of prospects we can target

    Affiliates will be a useful pursuit for this

    We need to find a way to offer credit (discount on future courses? Points that would work toward rewards or electives later on?


    IDEA to create a Multi-cultural initiative to add diversity and establish the Alliance as a leader in the field to explore cross-cultural perspectives in Depth Psychology”

    Bonnie working on an initial webinar with Brazilian clinicians; Pat Berry has agreed to do it in conjunction with Gustavo Barcellos, a Brazilian therapist—possibly early December

    We will also reach out to other nationalities we know: Chinese, Japanese, Eastern Europe, etc. and potentially plan a series we brand that brings various cultures on panels


    We should offer asynchronous agendas (recorded events to people in different time zones can tune in at their convenience)



    James developing a course on The Wounded Healer that he could test/teach

    Potential platform offering assignments, discussion board, webinar format, assignments/document upload, modules, tracking, etc. is Haiku



    Discussion on how to initiate local “cells” who would bring in speakers or convene in Book Clubs, etc. Need someone to head this up. Marketing committee? (Gary, Bonnie)



    James: Exploration of racism in America

    Jeff: Depth Perspectives on the Election/evaluation of candidates 2016

    Craig; Perhaps the Journal of Political Psychology hosted through CIIS might be able to collaborate; Bonnie: Two Alliance members, Barry Spector and Skip Conover might be interested as they both write/publish on the topic(s)


    TO Dos this month:

    James to solicit outreach for educators/presenters via the Board especially

    Bonnie to create a 1-sheet explaining the program/opportunity so we can all use it as a tool to send to our prospects


  • Interesting article. I think we're light years ahead of this perspective, but it's good to keep tabs on what's being posted "out there." I happened to find this on the Pacifica Alumni Association Facebook page, by the way.

    "Somebody’s gotta teach online — whether we like it or not. Face-to-face faculty collectively sticking their respective fingers in their respective ears isn’t going to make this development go away since (unlike MOOCs) online education has already demonstrated considerable staying power. If more caring tenured professors don’t jump on this train soon, we’ll lose whatever chance we may have to determine its ultimate destination...."

    Article at

  • MINUTES for August 21 Meeting where we continued the dissuasion on CEUs, Topics for courses, and envisioned a pilot program to start some forward motion. Please feel free to add or correct by replying to this thread.

    Education Committee Meeting

    August 21, 2015


    In attendance: Craig, James, Donna, Eva, Bonnie



    James agreed to serve as the new chair as Craig had to step down due to intensive comittments with the new school year.



    Donna has done some research and informed us that as of earlier this year, CEU providers are now being approved by only seven organizations—offloading it due to bureauracy or some other reason. Either way, the industry and process is a bit murky.

    We should look at existing providers to see if we could fit under their umbrella and/or piggy back on existing CEU providers

    Awarding CEUs will help us motivate people to take courses with us and we can tap into money that is already being spent somewhere else


    TOPICS for courses

    Craig reviewed past surveys we’ve done to members soliciting what topics they wanted at a conference; among the leading ones appear to be

    • Modes to access the unconscious
    • Some theory and praticies
    • Synchronicity and new sciences
    • Mind-body connection & healing
    • Ecopsychology, future of civilization, resilience
    • Esoteric: astrology, shamanism, tarot, iChing, etc.


    Also popular were combining depth psychology with other topics, such as

    • DP and Kabala
    • DP and trauma (esp. rel to veterans)
    • DP and ecology
    • DP and addiction
    • DP and gender issues


    Also, people are looking for things that are

    • experiential
    • applicable in everyday life

    It was noted we will need to cater to at least two audiences:

    • Beginners who need a foundation in DP
    • More advanced professionals who may know theory and have experienced a lot of learning events, but who would pay for experiential coursework and connections
    • The emerging vision of the Allinace that can help make us very unique is that we serve as an incubator for people who are wanting to be “soul stewards”—a term Bonnie has used in conjunction with the current “DiscoverRing DP as a Vocation” group. Therefore, we may want to feature courses or a certificate on how to help people help people. (Fits our current vision to provide warmth, replenishment, and interconnectivity)



    Donna and James suggested  that we might start out with a certain topic as a webinar to gauge interest and conduct market reserach; then promote a course to attendees.

    Some of the courses/content may come from identifying great teachers and seeing what they want to teach

    We discussed how we can incent students to engage and to finish the courses. Currently, with no accreditation or formal rewards, we could issue “points” or “badges” that would eventually work toward a “certificate” once we figure out what that would look like.

    We reiterated the need for interactivity, engagement, and intimacy in the class or course—ways to “create community” via use of live Chat during events,  active moderators for written forums, as well as other options.

    We revisited the need to identify a platform that would serve us to create curricula—something like Moodle, Haiku, WizIQ, etc.



    James will post some ideas on an initial topic we can pilot as a short course and the group agreed the topic of the “Wounded Healer” might be enticing. Discussion around format, curriculum, back end, length of “event,” and rigor (how demanding are we of participation from registrants?) followed.

    Marketing this to members as a collaborative process they are part of testing may be a good option to get attention and buy-in

    Conversation about materials and copyright issues used in PowerPoint presentations and as handouts ensued, and it was noted this is a grey area in online education right now.



    Donna will post findings to date on the CEU process, and continue to follow up to learn more

    James will post a short proposal of topic for a Pilot Program

    Craig will post a summary of all the categories/topics he’s identified and we can, as a group, start to identify a few key categories for offerings/certificate programs

    BB will look into how we might offer “points” or “badges” to start out to motivate people to see the big picture of aggregating courses toward a bigger reward (i.e, certificate)


    TBD: Timeline of the pilot program, who will teach, which online platform to use, how much to charge, what to offer as a reward


  • Here are categories/topics Alliance members have said they'd like to see:

    - Modes to access the uncon: dream, myth, active imagination

    - Theory and practice: synchronicity, new sciences, mind/body, healing

    - Eco, culture, and world: future of civilization, resilience

    - Role of DP: now and tomorrow

    - Esoteric: Kabbalah, astrology, Tarot, I Ching, alchemy, shamanism, mystical experience

    - Misc topics: veterans issues (trauma), specific eco issues, sexuality, neuroscience, arch astrology, queer individuation, meditation, sandtray, addictions, etc.

    Topics provided by James:
        Intro to Depth Psychology
        Intro to Jungian Psychology
        Intro to Freudian Psychology
        Intro to Mythology (or: Depth Perspectives on Mythology)
        Intro to Dreams (or: Depth Perspectives on Dreams)
        Intro to Personal Depth Work (or How to Create Your Own Red Book)
        Method and Theory in Depth Psychology
        DP and religion

    • Thanks for this list (and leading a great meeting). So much rich material here. Thanks also to James who is willing to take over as chair, as well as the willingness to develop a prototype for our first course offering.  I will think a bit more on the topics listed here and give more feedback later....D

  • Adding one more doc from a survey in 2012

    Survey Results-Themes for Conferences & Events-0911.docx

    • Maybe just me...but having trouble opening this.

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