Reflections Week 3

"As these people turn the vision into culture by speaking for and living it, they start finding each other. The framework of the culture-to-be rises from these critical connections around a modest core of emblems, principles, and inspiring teachings - memes - that spread across a variety of events, groups, and venues." --One of the 12 phases of Transrevolution Craig highlights in the slide presentation.

I find this message beautiful and reassuring, a reminder when I get lost in between worlds, old and new that the call has been sent out into the universe so that others may return home. The vision has been birthed and I rejoice at the altar of my elders that they have held on to the dream for long enough to let the next eradigm flower and develop. I feel like we are already creating this vision and if I stepped back from this archetypal journey, I would marvel at just how much growth has taken place. As I look back across all of Earth's epic eras, I am amazed at just how many different ways of living it has experienced-- from dinosaurs to ages of ice, up until today as we are continuously adapting, evolving and cocreating. How can I reinvent myself in these new times? Whether they are truly novel, or if I am just more in harmony with the greater ecosphere, remains to be seen. It feels like as some of the ice melts, then some of the deep, cold currents that serpentine their way across the globe have come to the surface and washed upon the shores, along with the shells singing the stories of its thousand year cycle and to accompany us on the next phase of life.

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  • Thanks, Jason. I really like and resonate to your example. I also like the parallel between Earth's movements and those of the psychic interior.

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