Dionysus and Pisces

The Dionysus asteroid #3671 recently moved through Pisces in the last month, leading me to explore the connection between Dionysus and Pisces that has been previously established by numerous astrologers.  Writing about a connection between Dionysus and Pisces seems to be prevalent among astrologers influenced by Carl Jung and Depth Psychology, such as Liz Greene in her book The Astrology of Fate, and Kathleen Burt in Archetypes of the Zodiac.  Other astrologers have connected Dionysus to the archetype of Neptune, such as Ariel Guttman and Kenneth Johnson in their book Mythic Astrology.  As the Sun has now entered Pisces, with both Neptune and Chiron in Pisces as we experience a Mercury retrograde cycle initiated by a conjunction between Mercury and Neptune in Pisces, Dionysus is an interesting guide to the Mystery of life for us to consider.

Dionysus is the sub-terranean Zeus and to me he is an interesting lens to focus on how Jupiter ruling Pisces differs from Jupiter ruling Sagittarius.  I do not find fault with astrologers using Neptune as the ruler of Pisces, however, as I have seen skilled astrologers use Neptune with precision in this way.  My personal philosophy regarding astrology rulers is that thoroughly learning a specific school of astrology can reveal significant insight into the connection between the above and the below, but that the subject matter of astrology is so vast that any one frame of astrological reference is unlikely to reveal the complete, ultimate understanding.  Along these lines, I feel Dionysus is a marvelous window into Pisces because his archetype connects with the Pisces traditional ruler of Jupiter, the modern ruler of Neptune, the esoteric ruler of Pluto, and the consideration that Venus is exalted in the sign of Pisces.  In  The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony, Roberto Calasso described Dionysus with an air of similarity to Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac that contains all other signs and is the source of all twelve signs:

Dionysus’s line is more obscure . . . only rarely does it emerge from the shadow.  Since he is both snake and bull, all history before Zeus is recalled in him and begins again in him.

–Roberto Calasso, The Marriage of Cadmus and Harmony, p. 208

In Dionysus we find the mystical and material participation of Pisces with nature, a full engagement and presence with the soul of the world.  In his destruction of form, we see the dissolving and death of Pisces necessary to prepare for the equinox birth of the cardinal sign Aries, the first of the zodiac.  As Joseph Campbell has said, “Dionysus represents sudden inspiration, the energy of life pouring through time and throwing off old forms to make new life . . . the thrust of time that destroys all things and brings forth all things . . . the generative power, thrust out of darkness” (Goddesses, p. 215-216).  Planets in Pisces in a chart can be similar receivers of impulsive and intuitive illumination, and people with ample Pisces energy in their chart can often seem hell-bent on their own self-destruction.  As a Pisces I am used to hearing a polarity of labels from astrologers analyzing my Sun sign, ranging from the profane to the sacred, from critical barbs to accolades.  We are told that Pisces is a sign of genius and madness, and when we aren’t being told we are divine visionaries we are told we are crazy, obsessive, narcissistic, possessed, irrational, deranged, and self-proclaimed martyrs who self-sabotage themselves.  Dionysus embodies all of this and more . . .



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  • Dionysus more than any other Archetype does seem to constellate the best and worst in us as individuals, and also in the Collective. People (and nations) who've been in holding patterns for a long time are finding it difficult now to keep the old patterns, partnerships,  personas, and routines together.

    Old forms are "sacrificed"to make room for new images to take shape and develop. It's not possible to keep all the balls in the air at once anymore. Some Pisceans will, for instance, will seal themselves in an alchemical container for periods of solitude (12th House.)

    Yes, confusing!  Some Pisceans are looking at themselves in a new way, "what have I been avoiding, what is causing the escapism into drugs or alcohol? Is it time for a different type of Dionysian dance?" 

    On the other hand, it amazing to observe the healing, the ongoing process of Chiron and Neptune both in Pisces, Jupiter in nurturing Cancer, and Saturn in Scorpio bringing up old issues from the past, so that the Unconscious can release them. Many people seem to be laying down a great burden and accessing energy that had holding it in place. In other words, less struggling uphill pushing that rock, Sisyphus-like.

    The feeling after certain client sessions is of Dionysius, Exalted Jupiter, and generous Chiron, the Wounded Healer, working together, then leaving the consulting room a more peaceful place. 

    We have a few more months of the Water Trine before Jupiter moves on to the Sign of Individuation, Leo, joining Uranus in Aries for awhile.  


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