
I was at my home when I saw my brother with his daughter Athena (her real name). They were across the street visiting their horse. It was surprising to see that they had a horse and that it lived in California (they live in Texas). Approaching my brother I expressed surprise and sadness that they had a horse and that they did not ask me to care for it. The horse was smaller than an average horse and instead of the normal appearance, it had fur like a leopard or tiger, maybe even both. The horse was tied to a post with three other horses and at one time they all feel like dominos. One fell on the other and it fell, ect...

At a later part of the dream, I sold the horse for $12.00, but regretted it before I delivered the horse. I wanted to back out and refund the money.

It seemed clear because I live on a large parcel of land that it would be much better cared for with me, but It felt uncertain how to make this clear without sounding upset or inflated.  

Any comments welcome.

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  • Athena is linked to horses. She invented the bridle, for example.

    Have you "sold" (given up, given away) anything recently, or let go of anything, that you miss? Sounds like you might have made a decision about that recently. I would do some research on Athena and ask her for a dream conversation and see what happens. Also, try associating to the symbols: what 12, horse, leopard, etc. mean to you.

  • The image of the horse tied to a post with the other horses and them falling over one-by-one reminds me of the goddess Inanna being staked to a post in the underworld, merciless and dead. Through a psychoanalytic lens (Descent to the Goddess by Sylvia Brinton Perera), when you reach the depths of your psyche and accept the darkest, most reviled aspects of yourself, you eventually come into a profound relationship with your shadow and from here find rebirth and renewal. 


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