
Hello, my name is Angela Mickelis. My home is the Bay Area of California. It is curious to me that I have attempted several time to add the introduction and failed. This is my 4th try. 

My draw to the class is to re-emerse myself into depth psychological thought as well as meeting and discussing topics with the group. I say re-emerse in that back in 2000, I finished my course work at Pacifica Graduate Institute and finished my dissertation in 2006. Soon there after I had a terrible accident, being thrown off a horse. The accident resulted in me having a spinal cord injury. Still, I am extremely lucky in that I am able to walk, something the doctor described as a miracle. With that said, it was a horrific accident and it required a great deal of adjustment. 

Synchronistically, the accident feels a bit similar to the current world crisis'. Craig's first class compelled me to join as that he really spoke to many things I have felt and have caught myself ruminating over in both a personal and collectively.

The past two week I have been traveling and have not been as active as I hope to be in the future. Still, I want to share a lovely event that took place while I was in the Florida Keys. I was alone walking out into the Atlantic ocean on a long pier when a dolphin appeared as if to say hello. He raised his head and was about a foot away from me looking at me eye to eye making a clicking sound. Then he dipped below and arose again on the other side of the pier. He then dipped one last time and arose with a fish in his mouth as if to show me what he caught. Just magical. Felt especially important to me in that I had just read the reading and watched the second class. Perhaps my personal myth is speaking to me.


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  • I found your story very touching.


  • It's the big brains! I'm sure they are smarter than us. I wonder what dolphins dream about.
  • Welcome, Angela!

    Love the dolphin anecdote. When I got to kayak with some years ago I remember thinking they were like emissaries or messengers. I wrote an article after called "If Angels Could Swim." Beautiful beings. I like their playfulness too.

    • Oh and thank you for the welcome. I think when I hit preview it did not show up. I am sure I was doing something wrong. I learned I need to just jump in instead of previewing my comments. LOL.

    • Me too Craig! When I was younger I collected dolphins. They were and becoming again my favorite animals. I imagine I have many favorites now! They truly are Angels of the sea. The playfulness may be there to teach us something.

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